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To Youth -Sardar Bhagat Singh Non-Fictional Prose ( Prudence )

To Youth -Sardar Bhagat Singh  Non-Fictional Prose ( Prudence )

About the Text

The present essay "Youth" is one of the most inspiring writings of Bhagat Singh. It was originally written in Hindi under the pseudonym Balwant Singh titled "Yuvak" and published in Saptahik Matwala on May 16, 1925, to motivate Indian youths about character building and the need to fight against unjust British rule in India. Bhagat Singh is also known as the 'Shahid-e-Azam' of India and is universally acknowledged as a folk hero and a patriotic icon for Indian youths. He sacrificed his life for Indian freedom and gave ideological way to the Indian freedom movement. He studied the revolutionary thoughts and ideas of the new world and tried to establish those creative principles for 'the freedom struggle of India. His life and writings are all-time guidelines for Indian freedom fighters as well as youth throughout the history of the modem world.

About the Author: Sardar Bhagat Singh (1907-31) is a legend from the revolutionary history of modern India. He was born on September 28, 1907 in village Chak No.105 Lyallpur Bange. He was hanged on March 23, 1931, by the British colonial government in Lahore. Universally, he is known as a Shaheed (martyr) Bhagat Singh. He was from a politically active family, where his father Kishan Singh, and his uncle Ajit Singh were the members of 'Ghadar Party (Movement)', the international political movement to overthrow the British rule from India. He was deeply hurt by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and the Gurudwara Nankana Sahib massacre. He founded the Indian socialist youth organization called Naujawan Bharat Sabha. At the same time, he joined Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) with prominent leaders like Shivram Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar, Chandrashekhar Azad, and Ram Prasad Bismil, and Shaheed Ashfaqallah Khan. His acts and words have always influenced the youth. He was involved in one bombing event in Lahore; hence police arrested him and sent jail and released him after five weeks. In those days, Bhagat Singh wrote and edited various Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi newspapers published in Amritsar such as Kirti and Veer Arjun under the pseudonym Balwant, Ranjit, and Vidrohi. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt threw two bombs in Central Legislative Assembly in protest of the Public Safety Bill and the Trade Dispute Act by shouting the slogan 'inquilab Zindabad' (long live the revolution) and throwing leaflets. After this event, both Singh and Dutt were arrested. Appeal to the Privy Council, mercy appeal before Viceroy was useless, and finally on March 23, 1931, at 7.30 pm in Lahore jail the three revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged till death. These deaths had created chaos in India against the British unjust government. It was the great sacrifice of the true patriot youths. Bhagat Singh's martyrdom is counted as equal to Indian freedom. He is the source of inspiration forever to build the nation.


The present Essay "Youth" is one of the most inspiring writings of Bhagat Singh. It was originally written in Hindi under the Pseud onym Balwant Singh titled "Youth" and published in Saptahik Matwala on May 16, 1925, to motivate Indian Youths about character building and the need to fight against unjust British rule in India. Bhagat Singh is also known as the 'Shahid-e-Azam' of India and is universally acknowledged as a folk hero and a patriotic icon for Indian Youth. He sacrificed his life for Indian freedom and gave ideological way to the Indian Freedom Movement. He studied the revolutionary thoughts and ideas of the New World and tried to establish those creative principles for The freedom struggle' of India. His life and writings are all-time guidelines for Indian freedom freighters as well as a youth throughout the history of the modern world.

Bhagat Singh's revolutionary essay "To youth" is fully embalmed with symbols and tokens about the beautiful and gifted youthful life. Bhagat Singh was fired with revolutionary thoughts for the freedom of India. At the age of eighteen, he has written such a mature and legendary essay to inspire the youth of India. The present essay is the outcome of his readings and awareness concerning human life. The Youthful age from sixteen to twenty-five is the only great weapon in the hands of the youth by which he or she can turn it into paradise. Youth is the spring of life when everybody can endeavor the fragrance of the grand actions toward a victorious life. The youth intoxicates human life and renovates human vigor into genuine creative prowess. It is the jasmine episode of human existence which adores the universe with the volcanic power of the novel innovative dreams. To look, the age of youth appears to be more attractive than the dark passionate earth but it is filled with the horror of an earthquake. The youth is the grandeur of the glowing dawn of life which gleams the dark night into gorgeous, glossy Sunrise. It is the age like the bomb or loaded revolver or sword in the hands of a lover of war and it depends on the user how and where to use its control. Life from sixteen to twenty-five is the 'Skin and bone box', which everybody has to alter from turmoil into serene life. It is a great chapter of life when our boat is in the center of the thunderstorm and everyone has to control and negotiate with the futuristic vision of the lighthouse life. There are only two options available to the youth; whether he or she has to venture for the triumph or fall into the valley of the chasm. It depends on the youth. If they want to build the life as an ascetic /angel or to destroy the life as a sensualist/demon. The youth can destroy the world and he can offer it an assurance of shelter. The world is ruled by the young. History is full of the exploits of the youth. The youth is the line on the forehead of the war goddess. Youthhood is the splendor of the free nation and the sign of victorious freedom. The youth is as obstinate as the soaring waves of the ocean.

The youthful life is like the Bhisma's oath chapter in the Mahabharta, Ravana's Valliant arrogance, or Prahlad's determined Satyagraha for the concrete ambition of the life. It can be the first lesson of the sacrificed ideal life. Every youth is an exceptional poet of the beautiful life who can create and sing the songs for the new horizons by unlocking the brave Young heart. Youth is the grandeur of God's creation by which the world can experience the melodious Songs and cerise waves on the new panorama of the splendid and fired life. The Youth's life is free from all worries of life and he or she can enjoy flowering spring birds' life. If he desires, he can enlighten society and the community, keep the honor of the Country brighten the face of the nation and even overset big imperial powers. Every youth can live for the upliftment of the society or work for oppressed people or play an expert role on the vast stage of the universe. The sky is the limit for every youth of the world.

The youth must learn the consequences of the sacrifice for buildings the nation. The revolutionary ideas must run through the veins of every youth of India. It is a youth who is the shaper of the destiny of any community. Bhagat Singh gives the example of the western scholar who has a keen observation of youth and he has rightly said "It is an established truism that young men of today are the Countrymen of tomorrow, holding in their hands the high destinies of the Land. They are seeds that Spring and bear fruit." It means that the youth of today is the maker of the Country's destiny. The young are the seeds of the success of the future.

Bhagat Singh suggests to the Indian youth that they must learn from the Japanese youth, who are incessantly determined for building their nation. The fire of patriotism must be burned within every youth's mind and heart. No iron Cutts or cannon can control the youth who threw himself far into rebuilding the nation. The youth is the only inspiring mantra that can rejuvenate the national fervor among the people. Youth is the only beautiful dawn that can wipe out the darkness of the Country. As American youth leader Patrick Henry said that life behind the bars is a priceless life for the nation. Henry also told that, if any government is not working for the people, that government must be ruled out by the people. So, the people are the designer as well as destroyers of every government in the world. This means that the youth of America believe that mankind must destroy a government that denies fundamental rights to people.

Bhagat Singh has urged the youth of India to come out from their slumber and fight for their fundamental rights. He has encouraged the Indian Youth through a small stanza of his poem to come together and work for Mother India. Bhagat Singh has humbly appealed to Indian youth, who is the Son of Goddess Durga and fight for the freedom of the nation. He directly challenged the milk of every mother. which must be on fire for redeeming the honor of mother India. Therefore, every youth must take an oath to drag out their nation from the clutch of unjust British rule. He concludes the essay with the powerful slogan "Vande Matram !".

This is a very inspiring essay written by Bhagat Singh to encourage Indian Youth for the freedom of India. His patriotic fervor and sacrifice are the token of every Indian. We must learn many lessons from the life of Bhagat Singh, who was hanged for the freedom of India. Every Youth must see Bhagat Singh as his or her ideal hero for building a life and a nation. One must not take his sacrifice and struggle for granted. He is a true icon for everybody who is determined enough to fight life's challenges.

Write Short Answer type Questions 

Q.1:- Who were the associates of Bhagat Singh in the Indian Freedom Struggle.?

Ans: The essay, "To Youth" is one of the most inspiring writings of Bhagat Singh. It was originally written in Hindi under the pseudonym Balwant Singh titled "Yuvak" and published in Saptahik Matwala on may 16, 1925, to motivate Indian youths about character building and the need to fight against unjust British rule in India. Bhagat Singh is also known as the "Shahid-e-Azam" of India and is universally acknowledged as a folk hero and a patriotic icon for Indian youths. He sacrificed his life for Indian freedom and gave ideological way to the Indian freedom movement. He studied the revolutionary thoughts and ideas of the new world and tried to establish those creative principles for "the freedom struggle" of India.

Bhagat Singh is a legend from the revolutionary history of modern India. He was from a politically active family. Where his father Kishan Singh and his uncle Ajit Singh were the members of "Ghadar Party (Movement), 'the international political movement to overthrow British rule in India. He was deeply hurt by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and the Gurudwara Nankana Sahib massacre. He founded the Indian socialist youth organization called Naujawan Bharat Sabha. At the same time, he joined the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) with prominent leaders like Shivram Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar, Chandrashekhar Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil, and shaheed Ashfaquallah Khan. His acts and words have always influenced youth. He was involved in one bombing event in Lahore; hence police arrested him and sent Jail and released him after five weeks. In those days, Bhagat Singh wrote and edited various Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi newspapers published in Amritsar such as Kirti and veer Arjun under the pseudonym Balwant, Ranjit, and Vidrohi. In protest of the public safety Bill and the Trade Dispute Act, Bhagat Singh, and Batukeshwar Dutt threw two bombs in Central Legislative Assembly and shouted the slogan "Inquilab-Zindabad" and threw leaflets. After this event, both Singh and Dutt were arrested, and finally, on March 23, 1931, at 7:30 Pm in Lahore-Jail the three revolutionaries Bhat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru were hanged to death.

Q.2:- What are the events that badly hurt Bhagat Singh in the very early period of his life? 


Bhagat Singh was an Indian socialist revolutionary whose two acts of dramatic violence against the British in India and execution at age 23 made him a folk hero of the Indian Independence Movement. He was from a politically active family, where his father Kishan Singh, and his uncle Ajit Singh were the members of 'Ghadar Party' the international political movement to overthrow British rule from India. Unlike many Sikhs of his age, Singh did not attend the Khalsa High School in Lahore. His Grand Father did not approve of the school officials' loyalty to the British Government. He was enrolled instead in the Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School, an Arya Samaj Institution. The Arya Samaj Philosophy greatly influenced him throughout his life.

In 1919, when he was 12 years old, Singh vised the site of the Jalianwala Bagh massacre hours after thousands of unarmed people gathered at a public meeting had been killed. When he was 14 years old, he was among those in this village who welcomed protesters against the killing of a large number of unarmed people at Gurudwara Nankana Sahib on 20 February 1921. Singh became disillusion d with Mahatma Gandhi's Philosophy of non-violence after he called off the non-cooperation movement. Gandhi's decision followed the violent murders of policemen by villagers who were reacting to the police killing three villagers in 1922 Chauri Chaura Incident. Singh joined the young revolutionary Movement and began to have. ate for the violent overthrow of the British Government in 'India.

In December 1928 Bhagat Singh and an Associate Shivaram Rajguru, fatally shot a 21-year-old British police officer, John Sauders. in Lahore, mistakingSauders who were still on probation for the British police superintendent, James Scott, Whom they had intended to assassinate. They believed Scott was responsible for the death of a popular Indian nationalist leader Lala Lajpat Rai by having ordered a lathi charge in which Raj was injured and two weeks later died of a heart attack. As Saunders exited a police station on a motorcycle, he was felled by a single bullet fired from across the street by Rajguru. Another associate of Singh, Chandra. Shekhar Azad shot dead an Indian Police head constable, who attempted to give chase to Singh and Rajguru as they fled.

After having escaped, Singh and his associates used pseudonyms to publicly announce avenging Lala Lajpat Rai's death, putting up prepared posters that they altered to show saunders as their intended target. Singh was thereafter on the run for many months and no convictions resulted at the time. Then he and another associate, Batukeshwar Dutt, Set off two homemade bombs inside the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi. They showered leaflets from the gallery on the legislators below, shouted slogans, and then allowed the authorities to arrest them. The arrest, and the resulting publicity, brought to light Singh's complicity in the John sounders case. Awaiting trial, Singh gained much public sympathy after he joined fellow defendant, Jatin Das, in a hunger strike, demanding better prison conditions for Indian prisoners, the strike ending in Das's death from starvation in September 1929. Singh was convicted and hanged in March 1931, aged 23.

Q.3:- Which Mythological figures are used by Bhagat Singh in the essay " Youth"? 

Ans: The essay" Youth" is one of the most inspiring writings of Bhagat Singh. It was originally written in Hindi under the pseudonym Balwant Singh titled " Yuvak" and published in Saptahik Matwala on May 16, 1925, to motivate Indian youths about character building and the need to fight against unjust British rule in India. Bhagat Singh is also known as the "Shahid-e-Azam" of India and is universally acknowledged as a folk hero and a patriotic icon for Indian youths. He sacrificed his life for Indian freedom and gave ideological way to the Indian freedom movement. He studied the revolutionary thoughts and ideas of the new world and tried to establish those creative principles for the freedom

struggle' of India. At the age of eighteen, he has written such a mature and legendary essay to inspire the youths of India. According to Bhagat Singh, the youthful age from 16 to 28 is the only great weapon in the hands of youth by which he or she can turn it into paradise. Youth is the spring of life when everybody can endeavor the fragrance of the Grand actions toward a victorious life. The youth is the grandeur of the glowing dawn of life which gleams the dark night into gorgeous, glossy sunrise. It is the age like the bomb or loaded revolver or sword in the hands of a lover of war and it depends on the user how and where to use its control. It is a great chapter of life where our boat is in the center of the thunderstorm and everyone has to control and negotiate with the futuristic vision of the lighthouse life. There are only two options available to the youth; whether he or she has to venture for the triumph or fall into the valley of the chasm. It depends on the youth if they want to build a life as an ascetic/ angel or to destroy life as a sensualist/ demon. Youthhood is the splendor of the free nation and the sign of the Victorious freedom.

Bhagat Singh used some Mythological figures in his speech to motivate the youth in the struggle for freedom. He thought that the youth of India learn from the ancient epic Mahabharata about the Bhishma's oath. Like the Bhishma's oath in Mahabharata, every youth should take the oath for the freedom of India. According to Bhagat Singh, the youthful life is like the Bhishma's oath chapter in the Mahabharata, Ravana's valiant arrogance or Prahlad's determined satyagraha for the concrete ambition of the life. It can be the first lesson of the sacrificed 21deal life. The youth's life is free from all worries of life and he or she can enjoy flowering spring birds' life. Every youth can live for the upliftment of the society or work for oppressed people or play an expert role on the vast stage of the universe. The sky should be the limit for every youth of the world.

Q.4:- What inspired Bhagat Singh to dedicate his life to the motherland? 

Ans: Bhagat Singh was an Indian socialist revolutionary whose writings inspired the Indian youth for the Indian Freedom Movement. His writing motivates the Indian youths about character building and the need to fight against unjust British rule in India. Bhagat Singh is also known as the "Shahid-e-Azam" of India and is universally acknowledged as a folk hero and a patriotic icon for Indian youths. He sacrificed his life for Indian freedom and gave ideological way to the Indian freedom movement.

Bhagat Singh was from a politically active family, where his father Kishan Singh, and his uncle Ajit Singh were the members of Gadatr Party (movement)' the international political movement to overthrow the British rule from India. Unlike many Sikhs of his age. Singh did not attend the Khalsa High School in Lahore. His grandfather did not approve of the School official's loyalty to the British Government. He was enrolled instead in the Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School, an Arya Samaj Institution. The Arya Samaj Philosophy greatly influenced him throughout his life.

Bhagat Singh visited the site of the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre at the age of 12 years old, where he saw thousands of unarmed people gathered at a public meeting had been killed. when he was 14 years old, he was among those in his village who welcomed protesters against the killing of a large number of unarmed people at Gurudwara Nankana Sahib on 20 Feb 1921. Singh become disillusioned with Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-Violence. Gandhi's decision followed the violent murders of policemen by villagers who were reacting to the police killing three villagers in the 1922 Chauri Chaura incident. Singh joined the young revolutionary movement and began to advocate for the violent overthrow of the British Government in India. In December 1928. Bhagat Singh and an associate, Shivram Rajguru, Fatally shot a 21-year-old British police officer John Saunders, in Lahore, mistaking Saunders, who was still on probation for the British Police superintendent James Scott, whom they had intended to assassinate. They believed that Scott was responsible for the death of a popular Indian Nationalist leader Lala Lajpat Rai by having ordered a Lathi charge in which Rai was injured and two weeks after died of a heart attack. As saunders exited a police station on a Motorcycle, he was felled by a single bullet fired from across the street by Rajguru. Then Bhagat Singh and Rajguru fled from there.

After having escaped, Singh and his associates publicly announce avenging Lala Lajpat Rai's death putting up prepared posters that they altered to show saunders as their intended target. Then Bhagat Singh and his other associate, Batukeshwar Dutt set off two bombs inside to Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi. They showered leaflets from the gallery on the legislators below, shouted slogans, and then allowed the authorities to arrest them. Finally on March 23, 1931, at 7.30 pm in Lahore Jail the three revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru were hanged to death. Bhagat Singh's martyrdom is counted as equal to Indian freedom. In this way, he was inspired by freedom from the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Gurudwara Nankana Sahib Massacre, and Lala Lajpat Rai's death in lathi charge by British rule in India.

Q.5:-Why is Bhagat Singh renowned as the idol of Indian youth. 

Ans: Bhagat Singh is also known as Shaheed-e-Azam by all Indians. He is very popular for his heroic and revolutionary acts. He was born in a family that was fully involved in the struggle for Indian Independence. His father, and uncle both were popular freedom fighters of that time. Both were supportive of Gandhian idealogy. They always inspired the people to come out in masses to oppose the British. This affected Bhagat Singh deeply. Unlike many Sikhs of his age, Singh did not attend the Khalsa High school in Lahore. His grandfather did not approve of the School official's loyalty to the British Government. He was enrolled instead in the Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School, an Arya Samaji institution. The Arya Samaj philosophy greatly influenced him throughout his life.

Bhagat Singh joined the National College at Lahore where he studied the European revolutionary movements which inspired him immensely. Hence, he founded the "Naujavan Bharat Sabha" for his national movement. Later he joined the Hindustan Republican Association where he came in contact with several prominent revolutionaries like Sukhdev, Rajguru, and Chandrashekhar Azad. He also began contributing articles for the Kirti Kisan party's magazine. Due to their involvement in various revolutionary activities, he became a person of interest to the British Police. Hence, the police arrested him in May 1927. After a few months, he was released from jail and again involved himself in writing revolutionary articles for newspapers: Lala Lajpat Rai protested against British rule and lead a procession and march towards the Lahore station. Police used the Lathi Charge to control the mob. Because of Lathi Charge Police brutally hit the protesters. Lala Lajpat Rai got seriously injured and after some days later he died because of a heart attack. This incident left Bhagat Singh enraged and therefore he planned to take revenge for Lala Lajpat Rai's death. Hence, he killed British police officer John Saunder soon after. Later he and his associates bombed the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi. Police Arrested them and Bhagat Singh confessed his involvement in the incident. Then finally on March 23,1931, the three revolutionaries Bhat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru were hanged to death.

Bhagat Singh's patriotic fervor and sacrifice are the tokens of every Indian. We must learn many lessons from the life of Bhagat Singh who was hanged for the freedom of India, Every youth must see Bhagat as his or her ideal hero for building a life and a nation.

Answer the following questions in about 300 words. 

Q.1:- Explain the message given by Bhagat Singh to the Indian Youth in the essay " Youth ". Ans:

The present essay "Youth " is one of the most inspiring writings of Bhagat Singh. This is a very inspiring essay written by Bhagat Singh to encourage Indian Youth for the freedom of India. Bhagat Singh was a youth leader in two senses of the term. First, he was a young revolutionary, who was active from his young days. When he was born, his family was already deep in the revolutionary struggle. His uncle, Ajit Singh was forced into exile in Latin America for his activities, and only returned in 1947. He visited Jallianwalla Bagh at age 12. He began writing on revolutionary topics at the age of 15. By age 17, he worked in mass organizing. He soon joined the Hindustan Republican Socialist Association (HSRA) and worked for the revolution until his death at age of 24, when he was hanged by the state.

Early in his life, Bhagat Singh encouraged the youth to get involved in politics. He was critical of political leaders and teachers who discouraged the youth from getting involved in politics, calling them failures as leaders and educators. He remarked that the youth would get no direction from such leaders, and no real wisdom from such teachers

Bhagat Singh also had a deep faith in the youth as revolutionary agents in society. He felt that society would only progress with the deep and persistent engagement of the youth. Bhagat Singh did not want the youth to be passive spectators in revolutionary activity. He wrote that the youth of today were the countrymen of tomorrow. Only when they revolutionize society through hard work and sacrifice, will the society move towards the global revolution. The youth have energy and enthusiasm, as inheritors of society, they were in the right position to make real change.

Through this essay, Bhagat Singh has urged the youth of India to come out from their slumber and fight for fundamental rights. He has encouraged the Indian Youth through a small stanza of his poem to come together and work for the mother India. Bhagat Singh has humbly ap pealed to Indian Youth, who is the son of Goddess Durga, and fought for the freedom of the nation. He directly challenged the milk of every mother, which must be on fire for redeeming the honor of Mother India. Therefore, every youth must take an oath to drag out their nation from the clutch of unjust British rule.

Q.2:- What is the importance of young age for building the future in the essay "youth"?


The essay "Youth" is one of the most inspiring writings of Bhagat Singh. It was originally written in Hindi under the pseudonym Balwant Singh titled "Yuval" and published in "Sapathik Matwala" on May 16, 1925, to motivate Indian Youths about character building and the need to fight against unjust British rule in India. Bhagat Singh also known as Shahid-e-Azam of India is universally acknowledged as a folk hero and a patriotic icon for Indian youths. He sacrificed his life for Indian freedom and gave ideological way to the Indian freedom movement.

Bhagat Singh suggests that every youth can live for the upliftment of society or work for oppressed people or play an expert role on the vast stage of the universe. The sky is the limit for every youth of the world. The youth must learn the consequence of the sacrifice for building the nation. The revolutionary ideas must run through the veins of every youth of India. Instead of misleading life, the Indian youth must learn from the Japanese youth, who are incessantly determined for building their nation. The fire of patriotism must be burned within every youth's mind and heart. The youth is the only inspiring mantra that can rejuve Nate the national fervor among the people. Youth is the only beautiful dawn that can wipe out the darkness of the country.

Through this essay, Bhagat Singh has urged the youth of India to come out from their slumber and fight for their fundamental rights. He has encouraged the Indian youth through a small stanza of his poem to come together and work for the mother India. Bhagat Singh has humbly appealed to Indian youth, who is the son of Goddess Durga and fight for the freedom of the nation. He directly challenged the milk of every mother, which must be on fire for redeeming the honor of mother India. Therefore, every youth must take an oath to drag out their nation from the clutch of unjust British rule. He concludes the essay with the powerful slogan, "Vande Mataram!" Every youth must see Bhagat Singh as his or her ideal hero for building life and nata ion.

Non-Fictional Prose ( Prudence )


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