Separation of plant (photosynthetic) pigments by paper chromatography
Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII Biology Answeres Practical Notebook Standard XII Class-12th science Click here download in PDF 2. Separation of plant (photosynthetic) pigments by paper chromatography Aim: Separation of plant (photosynthetic) pigments by paper chromatography. The plants show the presence of many pigments. The different photosynthetic pigments present in the leaf cells are chlorophylls, carotenes, and xanthophylls. These photosynthetic pigments can be separated using the technique of paper chromatography. Principle The separation of solutes (chloroplast pigments) is based on the liquid-liquid partitioning of pigments in paper chromatography. The partitioning takes place between the solvent (water) molecules (static phase) adsorbed to the cellulosic matter of the paper (capillary action organic (mobile) phase.) Requirements - Chromatography chamber, chromatography paper (Whatman's filter no.1), pestle - ...