
Showing posts with the label 12th B. project


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Demonstration of hybridization technique Biology Standard XII

  Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII Biology  Answeres Practical Notebook Standard XII Class-12th science Click here download in PDF 9. Demonstration of hybridization technique  Introduction Hybridization is one of the methods of crop improvement undertaken to combine the and female parents.   The technique involves the following steps:  desired, useful characteristics from two different pure varieties of plant species, selected as male & Collection of pollen grains  (Anthesis): Pollen grains from the flower of the selected male parent are collected in sterile paper bags and are stored in clean and dry vials at a cool place.  The collection is done in the early hours of the morning.  Day, date, and time of Anthesis are recorded.  b.   Emasculation:  It is the removal of young anthers of the stamens in the plant selected as the female parent having bisexual flowers, well before anthesis i.e. formation of pollen gr...

Study of T.S. testis, T.S. ovary and V.S. of blastula, through permanent slides

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII Biology  Answeres Practical Notebook Standard XII Class-12th science Click here download in PDF T.S.  Testis: Date Internal structure of testis shows the presence of tunica albuginea and seminiferous tubules.  Testis 6. Study of T. S. testis, T. S. ovary, and V. S. of blastula, through permanent slides.  Is externally covered by fibrous connective tissue called tunica albuginea.  It is internally covered by tunica vascularis formed by capillaries and externally by an incomplete covering called tunica vaginalis.  Seminiferous tubules are lined by cuboidal germinal epithelial cells.   It shows different stages of spermatogenesis lic spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids, and sperms.  Few large pyramidal cells are present interrupting germinal epithelia are nurse cells or Sertoli cells.  Sperm bundles get attached to Sertoli cells with their heads.  The function of Sertoli ce...

Separation of plant (photosynthetic) pigments by paper chromatography

  Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII Biology  Answeres Practical Notebook Standard XII Class-12th science Click here download in PDF 2. Separation of plant (photosynthetic) pigments by paper chromatography Aim:  Separation of plant (photosynthetic) pigments by paper chromatography.  The plants show the presence of many pigments.  The different photosynthetic pigments present in the leaf cells are chlorophylls, carotenes, and xanthophylls.  These photosynthetic pigments can be separated using the technique of paper chromatography.  Principle The separation of solutes (chloroplast pigments) is based on the liquid-liquid partitioning of pigments in paper chromatography.  The partitioning takes place between the solvent (water) molecules (static phase) adsorbed to the cellulosic matter of the paper (capillary action organic (mobile) phase.)  Requirements -  Chromatography chamber, chromatography paper (Whatman's filter no.1), pestle - ...

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