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Astrophil and Stella (Sonnet 2) - Philip Sidney About the pocet

Philip Sidney About the poet

Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86) was a courtier, a soldier, and a poet. A versatile man, Sidney was also a literary critic. He wrote a fine piece of criticism called, A Defense of Poesy or An Apology for Poetry in approximately 1579. This single book ranks him, with T.S. Eliot and Matthew Amold after him, as a major poet-critic. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia is another one of his popular works. He had strong protestant convictions that brought him into the service of Queen Elizabeth L. He later left court protesting against her marriage to the French royalty. In 1572, he was enlisted in diplomatic service, functioning as an envoy to King Charles IX of France. He was knighted in 1563.

About the poem:-

 Astrophil and Stella were written during Sidney's absence from the royal court. In 1575, he met Penelope Devereux, who later became Lady Rich. Astrophil and Stella, comprising 108 sonnets and 11 songs, was inspired by her. It describes the trajectory of the relationship of Stella and Astrophil and takes us through the ups and downs of the relationship.


Sir Philip Sidney was born on 30 November 1554. He was an English poet, courtier, and soldier, who was remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. 'Astrophil and Stella, Tdefensence of poesy or An Apology for poetry' and The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia', tethered popular works. Astrophil aStellalla was written duriSidney'sy's absence from the royal court. In 1575, he mPenelopeope Devereux, who later became Lady Rich. Astrophil aStellalla comprising of 1sonnetsets and 11 songs, was inspired by her. It describes the trajectory of the relationship SbeBetweenltell all Astrophil and takes us through the ups and downs of the relationship. The name Astrophil derives from the two Greek words, 'aster means (star) anPhilhil' means (lover), and the Latin worStellalla' means (star). Thus, Astrophil is the star lover and Stella is his star. ThPhilhil in the name of"Astrophil' is also a pun on Sydney's first namePhiliplip'. In sonnet 2, Sidney explains in painstaking detail how he gradually fell in love with Stella and how much pain and suffering he is enduring because of it. He tells us that he did not fall in love with Stella 'at first sight' but was gradually charmed into doing so, till by degrees it had full conquest got.' Having fallen in love, he now regrets that he has lost all his personal freedom.

 He laments that all that he can now do is to write songs in "praise" of his wretched situation. He concludes by stating that even as he writes about his misery, he has to convince himself" that allis well." In the opening of the poem, the poet expresses how he fell in love with Stella. He describes the way that loves conquered him. He tells us that he did not fall in love with Stella 'at first sight but was gradually charmed into doing so. He explains his pain of love in the line, ' till by degrees it had full conquest got He says that it was not happened by chance. Here, he uses the phrase 'dribbed shot, it refers to the image of cupid shooting him with his arrow throughout the poem and love gave the wound. Cupid's shot wounds him but does not make him fall in love with Stella. In the next lines the poet expresses how by degrees he fall in love, he says that 'I saw and liked, liked but loved not, loved but didn't obey its commands, obeyed with a rebellious attitude and lost even a wish to be free.' He becomes a slave to love. He describes his falling in love in terms of a sort of battle in which he unwittingly surrenders. He becomes more of a prisoner of love. 

explains this state in the line, 'At length to Love's decrees, I, forced, agreed/yet with repining at so partial lot." Falling in love with Stella, Astrophil presents as something that happens almost out of control. He has lost his freedom and become a slave of love. He represents this situation by using the term 'slave - bom Muscovite.' It means that he suffers from having lost his freedom and being in love turns him into a 'slave -bome Muscovite.' Here, Muscovite refers to the Russian person who lives under tyranny and be- 3. wa&a come slave. At the end of the poem, the poet claims that 'I call it to praise to suffer tyranny means he worship being under the cruel leadership of his love for Stella. And he employs 'the remnant of my wit.' (his last bit of rationality). In the last couplet, ' To make myself believe that all is well, while with a feeling skill I paint my hell.' In this line, he claims that he now tries to convince or fool himself that he is fine while in fact falling in love is hell. 

He will describe his woeful condition while trying to convince himself that everything is ok. In this way, the poet finds pleasure in it & he praised it wholeheartedly & tries to convince himself that all that has happened is very well.


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