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Reference to Context of The Pulley George Herbert

 Reference to Context 1.   "Let us," said he, "pour on him all we can.  Let the world's riches, which dispersed lie,  Contract into a span. Reference:- The above lines are taken from the poem, The Pulley', written by George Herbert. The poem is about a man's soul which is compared to a pulley.  Context:- At the beginning of the poem, the poet describes Goď's purpose in creating mankind. When God created man, God wants to pour all the blessings to man. God loves humans, so he decides to give all the world's riches to man and made him a more beautiful, intelligent & powerful creature in the world. God wants to pour all his blessings to the man, he wants to give him all his riches because God feels that this man is worthy of all these riches.  Conclusion:-God wants to give all the blessings to the man because he loves the man and he wants to make his life happy.  2. " For if I should", said he,  "Bestow this jewel also on my creature, ...

The Pulley George Herbert Summary

 George Herbert  About the poet  George Herbert ( 1593-1633 ) was a Welsh poet and a parish priest in Wiltshire. His poetry belongs to the school of metaphysical poetry. Herbert's collection of English poems, The Temple, was published posthumously in 1633. All of Herbert's surviving poetry is religious and some of them are used as hymns. His poetry is noted for its directness and complex metrical patterns,   Summary  The poem ' The Pulley ', is written by a welsh poet George Herbert '. He is a religious poet. His poetry belongs to the school of metaphysical poetry. He uses an extended metaphor or conceit to elucidate his purpose in the poem. This poem is about a man's soul, which is compared to a pulley. The poet develops metaphor in a more complex manner to lead the reader to a better understanding of God's purpose in creating mankind. A pulley is a mechanical device used for lifting weights with a downward application of force. In the present poem, ...

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