If You are Wrong, Admit it- Dale Carnegie -(1888-1955)
If You are Wrong, Admit it - Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) Dale Carnegie was an American writer, lecturer and scholar in Salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking & interpersonal skills. He was born in America. His prescription for influencing people & winning them over is Swift and practical. In this present essay, Carnegie put his prescription about wrong & told the rule, "If you are wrong admit it quickly & emphatically." In this essay, the writer wants to prove that if we want to change the behaviour of the other, we should do it by a simple behavioural change in ourselves. His most popular book was How to Win Friends and Influence people. Summary In this essay, the writer explains the incident which happened to him. one morning in the forest park which was very near to his house. He & his bulldog 'Rex' went running. He left his dog without a leash ...