Pollution Observe practical project
Pollution Various environmental problems 1. Why should these environmental problems have arisen? 2. What needs to be done to overcome these problems? Man's interference with nature has created many problems on earth. Due to industrialization, population growth, mining, transportation, increasing use of pesticides and fertilizers, pollution has increased on the earth and pollution has also started affecting humans. Pollution: Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment which is harmful to the ecosystem. Let's see! 1. Where is pollution around you? 2. What causes pollution? Pollutants Pollutants are substances that disturb the natural functioning of the ecosystem, causing harmful effects on abiotic and biotic factors (plants, animals and humans). If pollutants are released into the environment in excess, the environment becomes toxic and unhealthy. Pollutants are natural as well as man-made. Natural pollutants degrade over time according to the laws of nature, wher...