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Interview - Chapter



Q1: - What is an interview? Explain the type of interview. Answer:

The word "interview" in the dictionary means to visit or 'volachali' and the broader meaning of the word is two people communicating with each other. To communicate, verbal language is required. Linguistic communication is impossible to exist. The word "interview" is related to the word "interview". The word "interview" is an Arabic word meaning "meeting", "conversation", "questioning", "employee".

Explanation: 1. An interview is a conversation between two or more people through a specific medium for a specific purpose.

2. "Interviewing is when two people interact with each other." 3. "An interview is a dialogue between two people for a purpose.

" Type of interview:

Interviews are conducted for different purposes in these different areas. The types of interviews vary depending on the purpose and format of the interview. E.g. Political leaders, researchers, students, actors, writers, doctors, farmers, lawyers, engineers, etc. Interviews are conducted.

1) Interview for News:

In such an interview, information is obtained by going to the scene and calling the people related to the incident. It is a complement to the news and provides information on events.

For example: - Interviews can be done by looking at the actual incident at the place of the earthquake or by asking questions from the people who witnessed the incident or the actual accident victims.

Character Interview:

  1. In this interview, many aspects of the personality of a famous and supernatural person are explained by shedding light on him. Such an interview reveals the person's work and their thoughts on the specific event and the person the interviewer intends to interview. Her life, work qualities, uniqueness, etc. Various thoughts related to it are taken in the interview.
  2. Interview for newsletter and feedback. Focuses on specific topics and conducts research on them.
  3. The individual's opinion and reaction are tested. For example: - This information is obtained for the opinion of a medical expert about the disease. But the names of the individuals are kept secret.
  4. Telephone interview: In this type of interview, information about a topic is also obtained by phone or by telephone to get an immediate response from certain people about an incident. Such interviews are conducted by telephone.

  5. In short, an interview is a dialogue between two people and is intended for a purpose. Candidates are interviewed for recruitment in various fields like institutions, companies, various government departments, etc.

Q. 2. Ra: - What should the candidate take care of while facing the interview? Write it down Answer:

An interview is when two people interact with each other. An interview is a dialogue between two people. Today education has reached out to various sections of society. The number of educated people in society has increased. The proportion of jobs in industry and services, however, is relatively low. Numerous for one post semester 

  1. In order for the candidates to be present, in order to get the job, some things have to be taken care of while going for the interview. The candidate who is going to be interviewed. His costume It should be clean and tidy.
  2. Attend half an hour before the scheduled time for the interview To stay
  3.  Carefully take the academic and business documents required for the interview.
  4. The interviewer should have confidence,
  5. The candidate should keep his mind happy and think positive. 6. You need to be knowledgeable and punctual.
  6. Respect for the interviewer through your speech and body language
  7. Should be expressed. 
  8. Pay close attention to the questions asked by the candidates. One of the questions If you don't know the answer, politely say no. The answers to the questions asked by the candidates are concise and relevant Give.
  9.  Avoid difficult and artificial language to answer questions. Expected from the answer Content should be expressed in a present and simple manner.
  10. Candidates should avoid loud self-aggrandizement in language. 12. Avoid any physical contact during the interview.
  11.  At the end of the interview, the words of thanks should be politely chopped. Candidates' attire, time, documents, subject matter, confidence, punctuality, body language, word fluctuations, humility etc. during the interview. The thing has to be fulfilled.

Q. 3. Ra: - What are the stages of the interview? What are the most important things for the interviewer? Or write a note on 'Interviewer'?

Answer :

 You have to go through different stages to give an interview. This requires a lot of preparation of the subject. At the same time, the candidate's confidence, punctuality, restraint, extraordinary ability to listen, observation ability, humor, ability to extract information, attitude to participate are important points. The following steps should be considered to make the interview a success.

1. Interview Preparation:

The candidate should have prior knowledge of the interviewer and the topic to be discussed. E.g. Person's name, hobbies, habits, her work, success, literary composition etc. Get to know the issues. The writing ability of the person facing the interview should be fast. Many devices can be used on occasion. The goal of a successful candidate is to make the interview flourish on the main topic. Acquire the trust of the interviewer without compromising his influence.

Possible questions can be made on the basis of the bibliography and previously well-known information on the subject and subject of the interviewer. While reading a book, the candidate should have knowledge of that book and give satisfactory answers. 2. Schedule an interview:

Candidates to be interviewed. Contact them and request a letter or telephone interview. The place and time should be fixed as per the convenience of the interviewer. Inform the subject and purpose and inform the candidate how long the interview will last. It is always best to have a face-to-face interview. Interviews can also be conducted by telephone or in writing. Answer:

Candidates should take the initiative to speak on their own, as well as immediately identify themselves and the purpose of the interview.

Questions should be simple, straightforward, and direct. Which will not confuse them. For this, there should be no ambiguous questions in the interview. Simple questions should be asked at the beginning, there should be no negativity in the question. If there is a change of subject while speaking, the candidate should be gently brought to the original point. The respondent should be monitored during the interview. Observe their gesture movements. Don't ask questions like a lawyer or a judge. So the questions should be asked keeping in mind the purpose of the interview. 4. Interview Writing:

At the end of the interview, a lot of issues come up. It is easy to write an interview for a print media. E.g. Summary .. Write the headline or exclamation point. The answer is written in chronological order or chronology to get more important information, interview The behavior of the recipients is self-confidence, obsession, sense of comprehension etc. The candidate is affected. The beginning and end of the interview should be sweet and meaningful. Important things for the interviewer:

11. To know the purpose of the interview and to make notes on the questions to be asked accordingly. 2. Care should be taken that the interview is not boring. For that

It is important to listen to what the interviewer is saying. 3. Ask the interviewer questions in a similar manner to find out the thoughts in the interviewer's mind, not to deliberately embarrass the person. 4. All aspects of the interview subject to the interviewer

Should be. 5. Ask questions considering the intellectual capacity of the interviewer

6. General subject knowledge, confidence, punctuality, intelligence, etc. Questions on the topic should be ready. Should. 7. The interviewer was calm and alert while the interview was going on

8. If the interviewer reveals any new information, that information Remember or have a note.

9. Interviewers should keep in mind the outline of what you want to get from the person you want to interview. And with that in mind, the interview should be done. 10. Interview well-known, competent persons in specific fields

If so, let the person speak freely. 11. A good interviewer looks at the drama in a person's life, the struggles in life, the human values. For this, one can interact with the interviewer by looking at his style.

Interviews provide an overview of a person's place or imaginary world.

Interview questions and answers


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