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About I have Three Visions for India - Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

        I have Three Visions for India -Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

About the Author

                      Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, publicly revered as Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Was born October 15,1931 in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India. He died at the age of 83 in July27,2015 while addressing students in Shillong, Meghalaya. Dr. Kalam began his career as a scientist in the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). Later, he entered the Indian Space Research Organization(ISRO) as Project Director of the Satellite LaunchVehicle-SLV-ll1, designed and produced in India for the first time, Dr. Kalam, then, rejoined DRDO in 1982. There he played a key role in planning the program that produced a number of successful missiles. It is this phenomenal contribution of Dr. Kalam that earned him the glorious title of the 'Missile Man of India 

           As a scientist, Dr. Kalam played a leading role in the development of India's missiles and nuclear weapons program. From 1992 to 1997, he was the scientific advisor to the defense minister, and he later served as the Principal Scientific Advisor (1999-2001) to the Government of India with the rank of a cabinet minister. His prominent role in the country's 1998 nuclear weapon test established Dr. Kalam as a national hero. His immense contribution in making India equipped with space technology and nuclear power resulted in his election as the President of India from 2002 to 2007. In 1998, Dr. Kalam put forth a countrywide plan called Technology Vision 2020', which he described as a road map for transforming India. This plan of Dr. Kalam popularly known as Vision 2020 included an increase in agricultural productivity, using technology as a vehicle for economic growth, and massive coverage of the Indian population in terms of health care and education. Dr. Kalam authored several books, including a renowned autobiography, wings of fire (1999). Among his numerous awards were two of Indan's highest civilian awards, the Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the Bharat Ratna (1997).


          The present text is one of the many inspirational speeches delivered by A P J  Abdul Kalam, the Bharat Ratna Awardee and the eleventh president of India, widely known by various titles such as the "Missile Man " and the 'people's president of India. He is renowned for the prophetic & Visionary mission to build a strong & developed India. Through his writings and speeches, he purports his vision for India. He had a great love and a deep trust in the students of India as the carriers and executors of his vision for India. he delivered this speech at the Indian Institute of  Technology, Hyderabad in May 25,2011. In this speech, Dr. Kalam outlined a vision of India and also addressed the ways to attain it. 

         A P J Abdul Kalam was born on October 15,1931 in Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu, India. He died at the age of 83 on July 27, 2015, while he was addressing to students in Shilong, Meghalaya. He was the project Director in ISRO. Then he rejoined DRDO in 1982 . There he played a key role in planning the programme that product a number of succssful missiles . It is this phenomenal contribution of Dr. Kalam That earned him the glorous title of the "missile man " of India . 

         Through this scholarly speech Dr.Kalam urges us to ask our selves what we have done or are going to do make our country a strong nation that is respected and revered by the world .He makes us understant that we should not merely talk about the shortcomings of our nation and ask what it has done fou us . Rather we should count on the strenths of our nation and strive hard to achiave excellence in every field which would ultimately result in making this nation great . 

         Dr. Kalam opens this speech by recounting how during the last 3000 years various  Invaders have robbed India of its glory . However , India has not done any harm to any nation or people because Indians respect the freedom of other . Thus Dr. Kalam puts forward the Three visions he holds for India to become a leading country in the World . The three visions of Dr. Kalam are .....

I have Three Visions for India
1) freedom :-  

                      He believe  that it is this freedom that we must protect and nature and build on . If we are not free , no one will respest us . 

2) India's Development:- 

                      He says that we have been a developing nation for fifty years but because of the lack of self-confidence, self - reliant and self - assured, we cannot see ourselves as a developed nation. 

3) India must stand up to the world:-

                 He believed that without freedom there would be no development , and without strenght shown to that world . It world not respect our freedom . So , according to Dr. Kalam we must be strong not only as a military powar but also as an Economic power both must go had -in-hand . 

                    Dr.Kalam had worked with three great minds , Dr. Vikram Sarabhi, Satis Dhawan and Dr.Brahm prakash and he Considered as it was his good fortune to work with them.                  

 He suggests the four milestones in his career.

           He spent 20 years in ISRO as the project director for Indie's first satelite launch vehicle ,SLV3. After working in ISRO he joined DRDO and got a chance to be the part of India's guided missile program 'Agni'. It made him feel very proud as an Indian . Dr. Kalam express the incident is in has life when an orthopedic surgeon from Nijam Institute of medical sciences visited has laboratory . He lifted the material which as used for the re-entry structure of 'Agni' , which is very light material called 'carbon '. Then ho took him into has hospital and showed him his papients which were little girls and boys with heavy metallic calipers with 3kg . Weighing at their feet around . He requests him to romove the pain of his patients and within three weeks they made 300 grams callipers and took them to the orthopedic center . The childrens as will as thir parents did not blieve on their eyes 

         Dr. Kalam rebukes the Indian media and India mentality for its negative attitude towards the strengths of our nation . He recounts how india is a great nation by showing that India has excellent in milk production , in remote sensing satellites, as a producer of Wheat of rice . He urges the Indians to feel proud about being the citizens of a great . developed nation . He cites the example of an Israeli news pepar which puts the acievement of its farmer as the leand news whereas the news of terroist attack on its country gats a plce in the middle pages . But the Indian newspapers and the television give prominence to violence , bloodshed and all sorts of negative news. Dr, Kalam urges us to be always active an positive in the service of our nation .

        Dr. Kalam gives a vital massage to the citizens of India for boilding this developed India . His mantra for this is don't ask what this country has or can do for you ; ask how you can contribute to the development of this nation . He cites the example of the behaviour of Indins when they go to foreing countries . when Indians go avroad , they can't afford to break laws even they don't dare to do it . they follw the low very carefully . They can't throw the cigarettes on the roads or eat in the stoes in the foreing countries . in Dubai . you wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan . He says that in whshington you would not dare to speed your car/bike beyond 55mph . If you find yourself caught by traffic police you can't say that you are so an so's son . 

         He gives meny examplas of manners which we follw in the foeign countries without taking any objection . He says that we can't throw the empty coconut shell anywher otherthan dustbin on the beaches in Australi and newzeland . 

         He says that we can respect foreing system in other countries but cannot of our own . when the people come in their own country in India they will throw the papers and cigarattes on the road . We follw the law carefully in the foreing countries , we would talk about the good governance , cleanlinees , health and hygiene of those countries . But the same person who praise the foring countries do not respect the Indian laws and code of civilin ethis. They blame the government or system for its failure . He says that we expect the government to clean up but we canno't pickup a stray piece of pepar and throw it in the dustbin . We expect the railways to provied clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms .

         when its comes to borning social issues like those related to woman, dowary , girl child and others, we make loud darwing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home . He asks that who is going to chang the system ? 

         Noone is ready to make a positive contribution to the system . that's why Dr. Kalam urges the citizens of India to stop wating for a magician to come and work miracles for us with majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and ran away . He asks  us to work sincerly and honestly to the best of our capacity to build this great nation . 

         This is very convincing and inspiring talk by Dr. Abdual Kalam.    

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