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Full Explain aboutThe Astrologer&s day - R.K. Narayan

 Full Explain about The Astrologer's day - R.K. Narayan

About the Author

 R. K. Narayan (1906-2001) is a well-known Indian English writer. He is celebrated as a novelist, essayist, and tremendous capacity for portraying the varied Indian life. He narrates with skill the ironic, comic, tragic aspects of Indian life. This can be said with specific reference to Matgudi life. His mastery of the English language is so marvelous that he can convey the subtlest and the most complex shades of thoughts, feelings, and emotions with great ease. R K Narayan's stories end with an unexpected twist. "The Guide", "Wait- ing for Mahatma", "Man-Eater of Malgudi" and "Malgudi Days" are written. He has some of his famous work.


                "The Astrologer's day" is a famous story. It is written by R.K.Narayan. One of the eminent writers written in English. The story is a pen Portrait of a fake astrologer. 

The story can be divided into the following sections: 

  1.  Description of the physical appearance of the astrologer and the place he would sit. 
  2.  Description of the astrologer's manner of working. 
  3.  Description of the meeting between the Stranger and the Astrologer. 
The first section of the story deals with the physical appearance of the astrologer. It too, speaks a little about the place where the astrologer would carry on his profession. R.K. Narayan has presented the astrologer as a unique figure. He would sit in the shade of the tamarind tree on the road leading to the Town Hall. He would sit there punctually at mid-day and would spread out his professional equipment. His equipment consisted of a dozen of cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with an obscure mystic chart on it, a notebook, and a bundle of palmyra writing. He would always apply sacred ash and vermilion to his forehead. In his eyes, there was a sparkle and a sharp abnormal gleam. On the background of his typical face, they looked highly impressive. To crown, the effect would wound a saffron-colored turban around his head. His typical personality looked so impressive that it would always attract people to his as bees attract to the cosmos or dahlia stake. 
                The place where he would sit, too, was remarkable. It was the busiest road in the town. The surging crowd would always move up and down this road throughout the day. A variety of trades and occupations would carry on along the road. However, this busiest road didn't have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights some had naked flares stuck on poles. Some were lit up by old cycle lamps and one or two like the astrologers managed without the lights of their own. The place was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows. The place suited the astrologer as he had no acknowledgment of the stars and the planets.
                The second part of the story presents us with the astrologer's unique way of working. At the very beginning of the section, the writer underlines the fact that the astrologer had come into this business by accident. He was living his normal life, he would have been the farmer like his forefathers, But his fate was different Naturally he didn't have any knowledge of astrology. Though the astrologer didn't have any knowledge of stars and the planets, he was carrying on his business quite successfully. He had the knowledge of human psychology with the help of this aspect of his personality he would know the problems of his customers concerning marriage, money, and human relationship. It is worthy to note that at first at least for ten minutes he would keep silent and then would allow his customers to speak. And having got a material to speak, he would begin. Despite his ignorance of astrology his manner of convincing his customers was remarkable. It would satisfy them. The last section of the story deals with the meeting between the astrologer and the stranger, Guru Nayak. The astrologer one day as usual was carrying on his business. It was dark. There came a man. The astrologer took him to be his customer. He insisted to sit and chat with him. He promised him to tell about his troubles. 
               The stranger challenged him with a double fee if he didn't get satisfying answers. The challenge was accepted by the astrologer. However, very soon, as the stranger lit his cheroot he Caught the glimpse of the stranger's face. Having seen his face the astrologer's courage failed for the stranger was none but Guru Nayak, whom the astrologer had stabbed and had left for dead. It was the attempt of his murder that had composed the astrologer to leave his native place and come there. The astrologer asked the stranger to let him go as it was too late. However, the stranger detained him and told him that challenge was challenging. Having insisted on telling, the astrologer went on explaining to him how once the knife had passed through his body and how he had been left for dead. The stranger agreed on it was a genuine explanation. Then to his great surprise, the astrologer called the stranger by his name. Having asked him when he would meet the person whom he had been searching for. The stranger told him that he would never do so as he had been crushed under the lorry.
                 While listening to the news of his death the astrologer found a feeling of satisfaction on the face of Guru Nayak. The astrologer then advised him that he should get the next train and should return to his home. He also suggested to him that he should not ever travel the Westward. The stranger accepted his advice. He became very much happy. He gave him a handful of coins and went away in the darkness. The astrologer too picked up his professional equipment and left for home. It was already late and his wife was waiting. She demanded an explanation. Then the astrologer told her about his attempt to murder in the past. The story comes to an end as he slept on his bed. "The Astrologer's Day" is a remarkable piece of fiction. It is remarkable for the sensitivity to atmosphere, the probing of psychological factors, and detached observation. It presents us with a convincing picture of the fake astrologer.
The Astrologer's day

Short Answer type Question 

Q. 1:- Give a character sketch of the astologer?

Ans"The Astrologer's Day" is a genuine creation of R.K. Narayan. It is a lively account of the life of a fake astrologer. The writer presents his astrologer having all the traits in his personality such as his physicl appearance. his ignorance, his way of dealing with his customers, his past history etc. with all the types of creation. The writer has begun his short story with the description of the physical appearance of theastrologer. The astrologer would sit in the shade of the tamrind tree on the road leading to the Town Hall. He would sit there punctually at mid day. He would spread his professional equipment. His equipment was consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic chart on it, a note-book and a bundle of palmyra writting. He would always apply sacred ash and vermillion to his forehead. 
                 There was a type of gleam in his eyes. On the background of his typical face. his sparking eyes would look unique. To crown the effect of his appearance the astrologer would wound a coloured turban around his head. This attire would attract numerous pcople to him. little of astrology. His knowledge of the stars and planets was nothing but blank The writer has underlined this fact in the following statement. He said, "He was as much stranger to the stars as were his innocent he knew customers." However, despite of his ingnorance to the profession, the astrologer would carry on his business with quite success. Here his. knowledge of human psychology would play a vital role. It enabled him to know the problems of his customers. He with the help of this trait in his nature, would know the typical problems ofhis customers. Such as marriage, money and tangels of human ties. Long practice had sharpened his perception powers within five minutes he would understand, what was wrong with his customers. It is noteworthy that at first at least ten minutes, he would keep silence. He would allow his customers to speak. 
                It would provide him a material to speak once having an idea about the customer his astrology would begin. One day it was evening. The astrologer was carrying all his occupation as usual. He happened to meet the stranger. He took him to be his customer. He insisted him to sit and chat with him. The stranger challenged him if he proved him bluffing the astrologer must return the money with interest. It was dark-because the night has fallen. The astrologer couldn't see his face. HIe took his challenge. However very soon while the stranger lighting his cheroot he caught a glimpse of his face. He immediately recognised him to be Guru Nayak, a man whom he had once try to killed. The astrologer becomes frightened. He returned his anna and said that it was too late for him and he want to gohome. However, the stranger didn't allow him go. He went on insisting. to tell. As there was no way to escape, the astrologer began to tell. He told him that he was left once for dead and was pushed into the well. 
                 The stranger accepted his explaination as a genuine reveliation. Even he showed him the mask of the knife on his basom. The astrologer told him that the man whom he was seeking madly had died in a far-off town and went on advising him for his welfare as not to travel the westword. He didn't fail to tell him that it he didn't stir out of his home he would live for hundred years. The stranger considered it as true and went from the place. The astrologer run from there and reached at home. He confessed in front of his wife about what was happened in his past life and how he can away from his village in the fear that he had murded a man in grumbling. But now he was relieved of that burden. He feel relaxed to find the man alive. R.K.Narayan's story is remarkable for the presentation of a pen-portrate of the fake astrologer. The astrologer is not only able to get out of a tricky situation, but also to avoid danger in future, with the help of his skill.

Q. 2:- What are astrologer's ways of earning his wages? 

 Ans:- "An Astrologer's day" is a typical R.K. Narayan's short. which concludes with an interesting twist.It is story of full of humour and satire which throws light on the innocence of common man and the shrewdness of a few. This is a story of a fake astrologer and the way how he dealing with his clients in a minute details. The story express how the astrologer use his traits for earning his wages. an The story is about an astrologer who is a fake astrologer and used to start his business by mid day daily with his equipment laid spread on the footpath undera tamrind tree. He used to dress like a religious person to attract people. He mastered his all skillfully and would talk so pleasingly that people would be easily entrapped. He knew no more of the stars and plannet. His knowledge of astrology was nothing but blank. He had become an astrologer by chance as he had to run awayfrom the village without informing anybody or else.
                If he had not entered in this business he would have cultivated the land like his forefathers. But his fate was different and he entered in this business about which he doesn't know anything. But because of years of practice and reading about men's psyche has made him sharp witted. He used his stock readings on everyone which included common issues like life's troubles, marríage, money, women and these never failed him. Within five minutes he would guess without failure what was wrong with his customers. And the innocent people would be easily believe on him. He would charge three pies per question. His guess work would be precise. It would be so accurate that at least nine out of ten were to agree with him. The astrologer with his little knowledge of astrology used all the traits in his personality to do his business everyday. When he was dealing with his customers he would never open his mouth at first. He would remain silent for at least ten minutes. He would allow his customers to answers and advice. Even his beginning would be typical. 
               He would take the hand of his customer and gazing at his palm would begin. In many ways you are not getting the fullest results for your efforts." or he would ask, "Is there any woman in your family, may be even a distant relative, who is not well disposed towards you?" or he gave an analysis of character,"most of your troubles are due to you nature. How can you be otherwise with saturn where he is? You have impetuous nature and rough exterior". This typical beginning would endeared him to their hearts immediately. And the customers easily belived on him as a astrologer. In this way the astrologer's skill in handling proves him to be unrivaled master.

Q.3:- How did the astrologer fool his old friend? 

Ans:- "The Astrologer's Day" is a short story written by R.K.Narayan. This is a story about a fake astrologer who doesn't know anything about astrology. In this story the writer described the meeting between the astrologer and the stranger, Guru Nayak. Who was once his old friend.
               It reveals the various aspects of the fake astrologer's personality. The astrologer used to start his business by midday daily with his equipments laid spread on the footpath under tarmarind tree. He would usually sit in the shade of the tarmind tree and would carry out his profession. Despite of his ignorance to the profession, he would carry out it with the master's skill. One day while carrying out his business he happened to meet the stranger. It was dark at night. The astrologer can't see the face of the stranger so he took him to be his customer. He asked him to sit and chat with him as he looked care wor. At the insistance of the astrologer the stranger challanged him to tell something belivable. The astrologer, due to the darkness couldn't see his face. He accepted his challange. 
               However as he caught the glimpse of his face by the match light his nerves failed. He recognized him. He was Guru Nayak, his old friend, whom he had stabbed in the past. Having recog- nized him astrologer felt much upset. He returned his anna and wished to go as it was too late. The stranger caught him by the wrist and asked to go on wvith his business. The astrologer shivered in his grip but as there was no other way to escape he began as usual; "There is a woman, the stranger asked him to stop that non sense and asked him to tell worth nothing. Then the astrologer told him how once he had left for dead. He told him that the knife had passed in him and he was pushed into the nearby well. The Stranger took his revealiation as a genuine revealiation. He even showed him a mark of knife on his basom. As the Stranger was in search of his assaulter so he asked him where about he would get him. The astrologer told him that he would never meet him as he was dead. 
               Then the astrologer went on telling him that he was coushed under the Lorry in a far off town. Having heard of his death Guru Nayak groaned. The astrologer gave him a pinch of sacred ash and asked him to rub it on his forehead. He advised him to get the next train and be gone immediately. He asked him not to travel ever to Southward. The astrologer didn't fail to tell him that if he paid attention to his advise he would live for hundred years. Guru Nayak was convinced. He promised him to follow all his instructions and gave himahandfull coins and went away in the darkness. Then the astrologer had taken his equipment and had returned home. At home he lookedquite relieved. The supposed sin of man's blood on his hand had vanished. While giving advice he had secured his own life and the result was his satisfaction.

Long Answer type Question 

Q. 1:- Explain the ways in which the astrologer used to beguile people ? 

Ans :- "An Astrologer's day" is a fine moral short story written by R.K. Narayan. It is a lively account of the life of a fake astrologer. The writes presents his astrologer with the description of the physical appearance of the astrologer. His astrologer would sit in the shade of the tamrind tree on the road leading to the Town Hall. He would spread his professional equipment. His equipment was consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic chart on it, a notebook and a bundle of palmyra writing. He would always apply Sacred ash and vermilion on his forhead. There was a type of gleam in his eyes. On the background of his typical face his sparkling eyes would look unique. To crown the effect of his appearance the astrologer would wound a coloured turban around his head. This attire would attract numerous people to him. 
                   The astrologer knew no more of the Stars and plannets. His. knowledge of astrology was nothing but blank. The fact is that he had entered in that profession only by an accident. Ifhe had not entered in this business, he would have cultivated the land like his forefathers. But his fate was different. Naturally, having entered in this sphere without any plan he knew little of astrology. However, despite of his ignorance the astrologer would carry out his bussiness with the master's hand. He had subtle knowledge of human psychology, with the help of this knowl- edge he would analyse the mankinds problems, mariage, money and tangles of human ties. Long practice had Sharpened this perception powers within five minutes he would guess without failure what was wrong with his customers. He would charge. three pies per question. guess work would be precise. It would be so accurate that at ut Hisleast nine out of ten were disposed to agree with him. His way of dealing with customers is concerned that he would never open his mouth first. He would remain silent for at least ten minutes. 
               He would allow his customers to speak. The customers revealiation would provide him a stuff for a dozen answers and advice. He would take the hand of his Customer and gazing at his palm would begin, "In many ways you are not getting the fullest results for your efforts" or he would ask" Is there any woman in your family, may be even a distant relative who is not well disposed towards your? or he would give an analys is of character " most of your troubles are due to your own hature, How can you be otherwise with saturn where he is ? you have an impetus nature and a rough exterior. This typical beginning would endear him to their hearts, immediately. One day while carrying out his business he happened to meet the Stranger. It was dark at night. The astrologer took him to be his customer. He asked him to sit and Chat with him as he looked Care worm. At the insistance of the astrologer the stranger Challenged him to tell Something believable. The astrologer, due to the darkness couldn't see his face. Hed accepted this Challange. However as he caught the glimpse of his face by the matchlight his nerves failed to see the man. He recognized him. He was Guru Nayak, his old friend whom he had stabbed in past. Having recognized him the astrologer felt much upset. He returned his anna and wished to go as it was too late. The stranger Caught him by the wrist and asked to go on with his business. 
              The astrologer Shivered in his grip, but as there was no other way to escape he began as usual; "There is a woman," the Stranger asked him to stop that nonsense and asked him to tell worth nothing. Then the astrologer told him once he had left for dead. He told him that the knife had passed in him and he was pushed into the nearby well. The Stranger took his revealiation as a genuine revealiation. He even showed him a mark of knife on his bosom. As the Stranger was in search of his assaulter he asked him where about he would get him. The astrologer told him that he would never meet him as he was dead. Then the astrologer went on telling him that he was crushed under the lorry in a far off town. Having heard of this death Guru Nayak groaned. The astrologer gave him a pinch of sacred ash and asked him to rub it on his forhead. He advised him to get the next train and be gone immediately. He lasked him not to travel ever to southward.The astrologer give him the advice that if he paid attention to his advice he would live for hundred years. Guru Nayak was convinced and promised him to follow all his instructions and him a handful coins and went away in the darkness. gave Then the astrologer had taken his equipment and had returned home with quiet relief. Becaus nowever he supposed that he had done sin of man's murder by his own hand and he knew that he was alive. Now he was relieved of the burden. In this ways the astrologer used to beguile the people but when once he himself caught in the situation he is able not only to get out of a tricky situation, but also to avoid danger in future with the help of his skill.

Q. 2:- Describe in detail the encounter between the astrologer and Guru Nayak ?

" Ans :-. "An Astrologer's Day "is a typical RK Narayan story. It is a lively account of the life of a fake astrologer. The story tells about an astrologer to whom people were attracted. He said those things which pleased and astonished everyone. Long practice has sharpened his per- ception. The writer presents all the traits in his personality such as his physical appearance, his ignorance, his way of dealing with his custom- ers, his past history etc. With all the subtilities ofcreation." begin his story with the description of the physical appearance of the astrologer. The astrologer would usually sit in the shade of the tamrind tree and would carry out his profession. Despite of his ignorance to the profession, he would carry out it with the master's skill. One day while carrying out his business he happened to meet the stranger. It was dark at night, so he thinks that the stranger would be possible customer. He started approaching him but the man refused to believe any astrologer. After long callings the man agreed to sit in front of the astrologer but not without exchange of words. Finally, they both agreed and decided that if the astrologer gave correct reading about the client he would pay him eight annas but if the astrologer was wrong he would have to pay the man double ofeight annas. 
               The writerThe astrologer and the stranger took the challenge and the stranger sit in front of the astrologer. Suddenly the man lit his cheroot and the astrologer saw the man's face clearly. The Astrologer's nerves become failed. He recognized him. He was Guru Nayak , a fellow whom he had stabbed in the past .Having recognized him the astrolo- ger felt much upset. He returned his Anna and wished to go as it was too late. The stranger caught him by the wrist asked to go on with his business. The astrologer shivered in his grip, but as there wasS no other way to escape so he began his work with his usual way of talking about the common issues like women , he was stopped in between by the client to ask if he would succeed in his present search or not. Then the astrologer very confidently told him how once he had left for dead. He told him that the knife had passed in him and he was pushed into the nearby well. He also called the man by his name" Guru Nayak". The stranger took his revelation as a genuine revelation. He even showed him a mark of the knife on his bosom. This surprised the client. As the stranger was in search of his assaulter he asked him where about he would get him. The astrologer told him that he would never meet him as he was dead. Then the astrologer went on telling him that he was crushed under the lorry in a far-off town. Having heard of his death Guru Nayak groaned. The astrologer gave him a pinch of sacred ash and asked him to rub it on his forehead. He advised him to get the early train left the place. He also suggests he not travel ever southward. The astrologer didn't fail to tell him that if he paid attention to his advice he would live for hundred years. Guru Nayak was convinced. He promised him to follow all the instructions and gave him a handful of coins and went away in the darkness. The astrologer had then taken his equipment and had returned, home. At home, he looked quite relieved. The supposed sin of man's blood on his hand had vanished. While giving advice to Guru Nayak he had assured his own life and the result was his satisfaction. In this way, the sudden encounter between the astrologer and Guru Nayak helps the astrologer to get out of a tricky situation and he will become successful to avoid danger in the future, with the help of his skill.


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