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The Kid - Charles Chaplin (Chapter)

The Kid- Charles Chaplin

 About the Author

  Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889-1978) was born in Lon- don, England. He was a British actor who became one of the biggest stars of the 20th-century salient film era. Charlie was thrown on his own resources before he reached the age of 10 due to the early death of his father and the illness of his mother. When he was about 12, he got his first chance to act. Chaplin started his career as a comedian in vaudeville, which eventually took him to the United States in 1910. He became an immediate hit there. His career spread over more than 75 years. His first feature film was "The Kid" (1921) followed by "A Woman of Paris" (1923), "The Gold Rush" (1925), and "The Circus (1928). He produced movies like "City Lights" (1931 ) and "Modern Times" (1936). Chaplin wrote, produced, directed, edited, and acted in most of his films. In 1972, as part of the appreciation of his work Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award.
The Kid


            "The kid', is an interesting piece of writing taken from Chaplin's autobiography. He wrote about how a new idea for a movie struck him. The story speaks about the accidental discovery of a child artist. It is a story of the tramp or window-mender and the little kid. The tramp unwillingly takes in an abandoned baby. He quickly learns in a few years and they live together as a team. They go around the streets - the kid breaking windows and the tramp coming there and mending them. A boy named Jackie Coogan, accompanied his actor father on the stage and after the completion of the act took a bow and suddenly breaks into a few comic steps and runs off the stage. The audience like this innocent act so much that the whole Orpheum roars with claps. This overwhelming response is witnessed by Chaplin, who often visited the place for relief. 
          The little child was Jakie Coogan who was a charming boy and the audience thoroughly enjoyed it. Whatever he did, the little boy had an engaging personality. Chaplin enjoys the act and leaves the place. It was only a week later when Chaplin was thinking about new ideas for his next project. He receives the news about the same boy being signed by Roscoe Arbuckle for his next film. Chaplin felt like kicking himself for not having thought of this before Arbuckle. This news brings a series of ideas to my mind, Chaplin. He thought about an idea of a window mender and the kid moving around. 
             The kid breaks windows and the tramp mends them. This story of the kid and the tramp was felt to be very interesting. This idea could set the theatre on fire and provide pure laughter to the audience. Chaplin wants to make a movie on that theme with the boy, Jackie Coogan who was very perfect in this role. But all this would be in vain as the kid who could perform it was already signed by Arbuckle. The idea looked very exciting but it was of no use. In this state of depression, Chaplin calls the company of rehearsals. Actually, Chaplin also did not know anything about what to do because he had nothing to rehearse but he called them. He discusses the scenes of the window mender with his Colleagues and they also like the idea so much. 
            The colleagues suggested him several new options to replace the kid, to a get a Negro boy to play the role but Chaplin's mind was not ready to accept it because he know that only Jackie was perfect for that role, only he can create the emotion which he wants for that act. After spending some time in the theatre Chaplin and his colleagues doing rehearsals, his publicity man, Carlisle Robinson hurriedly came there on the stage, he was breathless and excited. He told to the Chaplin that he was not Jackie Coogan whom Arbuckle was signed up but he was his father, Jack Coogan, with this news the whole group become very excited and they feel like they get a new life. Everybody is excited about the news. Chaplin asks Robinson to contact Jakie's father on the phone and țell him to come there to meet. Chaplin told Robinson to be cautious about whatever he said over the phone, not to mention anything about the kid, even not to his father until he reach there. After two hours long wait Jakie's father reached there. Chaplin asked Jackie's father about the kid and told him that he want to sign him for his picture. When the idea is discussed with him, the father is initially hesitant but agrees after Chaplin convinces him. Finally, the story and the rehearsals began. Chaplin thinks of exploiting the talent of the kid. 
           The kid is to be given a few lessons in pantomime and he would do wonders. Chaplin discusses a scene to the boy and he asked to Jackie to observe him. He emphasizes the points in the scene to Jakie. Chaplin told him that he has held a stone and prepare to throw the stone on the window. He bring his hand back, but he touch his hand to the policeman's coat who is standing back to him. Then he feels the policeman's coat's buttons and when he looked up & discover it's a policeman, he throw the stone playfully in the air, then throw it away and casually walk oft, suddenly he run off from the place. 
             Chaplin take rehearsal of Jakie for that scene and within three or four times ho was sure of the mechanics that with emotion came with them. The scene was one of Jackie's best scene and was one of the high spots in the picture. The kid performs the scene with such perfect emotions that it proves to be the best scene of the movie. But there were certain scenes which were not casily accomplished like a simple scene of swinging on a door naturally, But when nothing else in his mind he became Self conscious and its difficult for him to act naturally, so chaplin was left the scene. 
              Jackie was superb when attentive but being a kid it was difflicult at times to keep up his attention, After Jacie's father's contract was over with Arbuckle he starts coming to the studio. He was very helpful at times. once when they were rehearsing a scene in which they wanted Jackie to actually cry because two work house oflicers take him away from Chaplin. At that time Chaplin tries hard to make him cry but nothing was working as the boy was in a very gay and mischievous mood. After trying a lots of vain efforts the boy didn't cry then finally his father told he will made him cry. The father then came and made the boy cry. When Chaplin heard Jakie yelling and crying then they will complete the scene where Chaplin rescued the boy from the work-house officials and while the kid is weeping, chaplin hug and kisses him. 
              The scene was over with successful emotions. When it was over Chaplin asked to his father, how he made the child cry. He simply said that," I told him he will be really taken you away from the studio and realy send you to the workhouse." Chaplin become emotional felt guilty and lifted the boy in his arms to console him. He told the kid that they are not going to take him away anywhere; quickly the boy replied that he knew about it. And the little kid whispered' Daddy was only fooling" After hearing that chaplin become surprised and this act convinced that Chaplin's decision was right. In this way chaplin become successful to make a movie with funny elements which creats hearty laughter to enjoy the audience and Jackie Successfully played the role to prove himself as wvell as to Chaplin who believed that jakie was the only kid who provide pure pleasure to the audience.

Short Answer type Question

Q.1:- What did chaplin discover about Jakie's abilities at the orphcum ?

 Ans:- "The Kid" is an interesting piece of writing taken from Charles Chaplin's," My Autobiography". He wrote about how a new idea of movie struck him. The story Speaks about the accidental discovery of a child artist. It is a story of the tramp or window-mendor; and the little kid. The tramp unwillingly takes in an abandoned boy. He quickly leams in a few years and they living together as a team. They go around the streets while the kid breaking windows and the tramp coming there and mending them. A boy named Jackie Coogan, accompanied to his actor father on the stage and do some little acts with which all audience get hearty laughter. 
              The little child Jackie Coogan who was a charming boy and the audience throughly enjoyed it whatever he did. The little boy had an engaging personality. once a time when chaplin went to the Orpheum to uet relief from the state of despair, he saw the little boy who accompa- nied to his actor father on the stage and after the completion of the act to take a bow and suddenly breaks into few comic Steps and runs off the stage. The audience like this innocent act so much that the whole orpheum roars with claps. So that the child was made to come on again but this time he doing quite a difference dance and the audience enjoyed
               This overwhenming response is witnessed by chaplin, who often vis- ited the place for a relief. Chaplin also enjoys the act and leaves the place. He didn't forget the Child's innocent act and he get new ideas in for his new project. But whenever he signed the Child for his new project he recieves the news about the boy was being signed by Roscoe Arbuckle for his next film. After hearing it CHaplin felt like Kicking himself for not having thought of this before Arbuckle. Chaplin wants to make a movie on the story of the kid and the tramp in which he wants Jackie Coogen who was perfect in the role of the kid. But all this would be in vain because the kid who could perform it was already signed by other. He was depressed but his collegues suggested him several new options to replace the kid, to a get a Negro boy to play the role but Chaplin's mind was not ready to accept it because he know that only Jackie was perfect for that role, only he can create the emotion which he want for that act.

Q. 2:- What was the news brought by the publicity man that electrified Chaplin and his company? 

Ans:- "The kid" is an interesing story taken from Chaplin's "my Autobiography. In this autobiography he wrote about how a new idea of movie struck to him. The story Speaks about the accidental discovery of a child artist. It is a story of the tramp or window-mender, and the little kid. The little tramp unwillingly takes in an abandoned boy. He quickly learns in a few years and they living together as a team. They go around the streets and the kid breaking windows and the tramp coming there to mending them. The kid and the tramp live together having all sorts of adventures.iadvtuoirR Once a time Chaplin was go to the orpheum to get relief from despair. 
            There he saw a dancer who is not extraordinary but after finishing his act he brought on his little boy, an infant of four, to take a bow with him. The boy was Jackie Coogan who was accompanied to his father on the stage. After bowing with his father, he suddenly broke into a few amusing steps, then sawat audience to waved them and runs off the stage. The audience like this innocent act so much that the wholeorpheum roars with claps. This overwhelming response is witnessed by Chaplin, who often visited the place for a relief. The Kid was charming and the audience throughly enjoyed it, whatever he did, the little fellow had an engaging personality. Chaplin enjoys the act and leaves the place. After a week later when chaplin was thinking about new ideas for his next projects. He recieves the news about the same boy being signed by Roscoe Arbuckle for his next film. Chaplin felt like kicking himself for not having thought ofthis before Arbuckle. This news brings a series of ideas in the mind of chaplin. He thought about an idea of a window mendor and the kid moving around. 
               The kid breaks the windows and the tramp came there mending them. This story of the kid and the tramp was felt to be very interesting Chaplin know that this idea could set the theatre on fire and provide pure laughter to the audience. Chaplin wants to make a movie on that theme with the boy, Jackie Coogan, who was very perfect for that role. But all this would be in vain because the kid who could perform it was already signed by Arbuckle. The idea looked very interesting but it was of no use. In this state of depression, Chaplin calls the company of rehearsals. Actually chaplin also not know anything about what to do because he had nothing to rehearse but he Called them. He discusses the scenes of window mender with his colleagues and they also like the idea so much. 
              The collegue suggested him several new options to replace the kid, to a get a Negro boy to play the role but Chaplin's mind was not ready to accept it because he know that only Jackie was perfect for that role, only he can create the emotion which he want for that act. Chaplin was not ready to think a After spending some time in the theatre doing rehearsals with his collegues Chaplin's publicity man carlisle Robinson hurriedly came there on the stage and told that he was not Jackie Coogan whom Arbuckle was signed up but he was his father, Jack Coogan with this news the whole group became very excited and they feels like they get a new life. The news was brought by the publicity man that electrified chaplin and his anyone else than Jackie. company.
Long Answer type Question 

Q. 1:- Explain Chaplin's making of "The kid" and the reason for his success. 

Ans :- "The kid" is very interesting story taken from chaplin's autobi- ography. The Story speaks about the accidental discovery of a child artist. It is a story of a tramp or Window- mendor; and the little kid. The tramp unwillingly takes in an orphan boy. They taught him some acts and he quickly learns in a few years and they living together as a team. They go around the streets and the kid was breaking the windows and the tramp coming there to mend them. Chaplin was going to the orpheum to get relief from his state of despair and there he saw the little kid who is playing the act with his father. The little boy bowing with father and suddenly do some amusing steps then looked at the audience to waved to them and runs off the stage. With this innocent act the audience went into an uproar for the Child. He was a charming boy and the audience throughly enjoyed it. Whatever he did, the little fellow had an engaging personality. 
              Chaplin enjoys the act and leaves the place. It's only a week later when Chaplin was thinking about new ideas for his next project. He recieves the news about the same boy was being signed by RoscoeArbuckle for his next film. Chaplin become sad for not having the thought of this before Arbuckle. He want to make a movie on the kid. He thought about an idea of a window mendor and the kid moving around. 
               The kid breaks the windows and the tramp mends them. This idea could set the theatre on fire and provide pure laughter to the audience. But all this would be in vain as the kid who could perform it was already signed up by Arbuckle. Next day when Chaplin and his collegues were doing the reharsels, his collegues suggested him to replace the kid, to get a Negro boy to play the role of the kid but Chaplin was not ready for it because he know that only Jackie was perfect for the role, only he can create the emotion which he want for that act.
               After spending some time on rehearsal in theatre Chaplin get the news that he was not Jackie Coogan whom Arbuckle was signed upbut he was his father, Jack coogan. With this news the whole group become very excited and they feels like they get a new life. Everybody is excited about the news. Chaplin told his publicity man to call his father to meet him. After two hours long wait jackie's father reached there Chaplin asked to Jackie's father about the kid and told him that he want to sign him for his new film. Initially his father would not agree but after chaplin convinces him his father was ready. Chaplin gives few lessons to the kid and after then he discusses a scene with him. He told him that he has holding a Stone and prepare to throw the stone on the window. He bring his hand back, but his hands touched the police man's coat who is standing back to him. Then he feels the policeman's coat's buttons and when he looked up & discover it's a policeman, he throw the stone playfully in the air, then throw it away, casually walk off, and suddenly he run off from the place. 
              After taking the rehearsal for three or four times the kid perform the scene with such perfect emotions which proves to be the best scene of the movie. But there were certain Scenes which were not easily accomplished by the kid. Jackie was superb when at- tentive but being a kid it was difficult at times to keep up his attention. Jackie's father often came to the theatre after finishing their contract with Arbuckle. He was very helpful at times. Once when they were rehearsing a scene in which they wanted Jackie to actually cry because two workhouse officials take him away from Chaplin. At that time Chaplin tries hard to make him cry, but Jackie didn't cry. After trying lots of vain efforts the boy didn't cry then finally his father told him that he will make him cry. Then the father came and made him cry. When Chaplin heard Jackie yelling and crying then they will Complete the scene where Chaplin rescued the boy from the workhouse officials and while the kid is weeping, Chaplin hug and kisses him. 
               The scene was over with successful emotions. When Chaplin asked his father about how he made him cry, He told that he told to Jackie that he will be really taken away from the studio and really send to the workhouse. After hearing it the boy starts to cry. But Chaplin become emotional, felt guilty, and lifted the boy in his arms to console him. When Chaplin told the kid that they are not going to take him away anywhere; quickly the boy replied that he knew about it and he whispered," Daddy was only fooling". After hearing that Chaplin be-come surprised and this act convinced him that Chaplin's decision was right. In this way Chaplin become successful to make the movie as well as "The Kid" and the reason for his success was Jackie who was the only kid who play the role successfully.

Q. 2:- Describe the scene of the kid with the policeman and how Jackie was asked to play it.

 Ans:- "The kid" is an interesting story taken from Chaplin's "my Autobiography". He wrote about how a new idea for a movie struck him. The story speaks about the accidental discovery of a child artist. It is a story of the tramp or window mender and the little kid. The tramp takes in an abandoned baby named," Jackie" from the street. While living together the boy quickly learns in a few years and they make they're living together as a team. They go around the streets the kid breaking windows and the tramp coming by and mending them. The kid and the tramp live together and have all sorts of adventures. One day Charles Chaplin went to the Orpheum to get relief from his state of despair, there he saw a boy named Jackie Coogan, who happens to accompany his actor father on the Stage. After the completion of the act, the little boy comes to take a bow with his father and suddenly breaks into a few comic steps and runs off the stage. 
               The audience like this innocent act so much that the whole Orpheum roars with claps. The audience went into an uproar so that the child was made to come on again, this time he present a quite different dance which was enjoyed by the audience. Whatever he did the little child had an engaging personality. This overwhelming response is witnessed by Chaplin, who often visited the place for relief. Chaplin enjoys the act and leaves the place. Chaplin cannot forget the little child and he was thinking about new ideas for his next project. But at that time he receives the news that the same child was signed by Roscoe Arbuckle for his next film. 
               After hear- ing it Chaplin felt like kicking himself for not having thought of this be- fore Arbuckle. In this state of depression, Chaplin calls the company of rehearsals. He discusses the scenes of the window mender with his Col-leagues. The colleagues provide him with several new options to re-place the kid, to get a Negro boy to play the role but Chaplin's mind is not ready to accept it. When Chaplin is in his theatre and doing rehearsals, he gets the news from his publicity man that he was not Jackie Coogan whom the Roscoe Arbuckle has signed up for his new film but he was his father, 'Jack Coogan; this news brings a new life in the group, with this news the whole group become very excited and they feel like they get a new life. Everybody including Chaplin is excited about the news. Chaplin sends his publicity man to contact the Kid's father to meet him. He asks his publicity man to be cautious about not disclosing the idea to the father on the phone. After two hours long wait the kid's father came there. When the idea is discussed with him, the father is initially hesitant bet agrees after Chaplin convinces him. Finally, the rehearsals of the scene begin Chaplin thinks of exploiting the talent of the kid. The kid is to be given a few lessons in pantomime. 

              Chaplin discusses a scene with the boy and he asked Jackie to observe him. He emphasizes the points in the scene to Jackie; you have a stone; then you look at the window; then you prepare to throw the Stone you bring your hand back, but you feel the policeman's coat, you feel his buttons, then you look up and discover it's a policeman; you throw the stone playfully in the air, then throw it away and casually walk off, suddenly bursting into a sprint" He rehearsed the scene there or four times. Eventually, he was so sure of the mechanics that his emotion came with them. In other words, the mechanics induced the emotion. 
                The kid performs the scene with such perfect emotions that it proves to be the best scene of the movie. In this way, Chaplin becomes successful to make a movie with funny elements which creates a hearty daughter to enjoy the audience and Jackie successfully played the role to prove himself as well as to Chaplin who believed that Jackie was the only kid who provides pure hearty laughter to the audience.


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