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Reference to Context of The Pulley George Herbert

 Reference to Context


 "Let us," said he, "pour on him all we can.
 Let the world's riches, which dispersed lie,
 Contract into a span.

Reference:- The above lines are taken from the poem, The Pulley', written by George Herbert. The poem is about a man's soul which is compared to a pulley. 


At the beginning of the poem, the poet describes Goď's purpose in creating mankind. When God created man, God wants to pour all the blessings to man. God loves humans, so he decides to give all the world's riches to man and made him a more beautiful, intelligent & powerful creature in the world. God wants to pour all his blessings to the man, he wants to give him all his riches because God feels that this man is worthy of all these riches. 

Conclusion:-God wants to give all the blessings to the man because he loves the man and he wants to make his life happy. 


" For if I should", said he,
 "Bestow this jewel also on my creature,
 He would adore my gifts instead of me" 


The above lines are taken from the poem, The Pulley', written by George Herbert. The lines explain God's purpose in creating mankind


 When God first created mankind he decides to pour all his blessing into man and made him happy, beautiful, and intelligent. First, he gives the blessing of strength, then beauty flows. then wisdom, honor, pleasure gives to man. God pulls out each sacred gift from the glass until he comes to the last one. God paused and saw the last blessing left in the bottom is 'Rest' and he is about to pour this last blessing to man but an idea struck in his mind and he stopped for while and thinking if I would give the last blessing to the man he will worship all things in the nature, instead of worshiping him. And it was against his purpose in creating mankind. 


God knows that if he would give rest to the man he will forget him. God wanted that man would find true rest only in him. 

Let him be rich and weary, that at least, 
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness 
May tosses him to my breast. 


 The above lines are taken from the poem, The Pulley'. In the poem, the poet expresses God's purpose in creating mankind.


The poem is about a man's soul which is compared to a pulley. The poet describes God's purpose when he creates mankind for the first time, God decides to pour all the precious blessings into humans to make them wonderful and happy. He gives the blessings of strength, beauty, wisdom, honor, pleasure and he gives all whenever the glass becomes empty. At last, there was only one blessing left in the glass and this is the "Rest. God is about to pour the last blessing to man but he thinks that if he would give rest to the man, he would forget to God and did not worship him. God did not want to lose the man because he loves him. So he decides to keep the rest with him, because God knows that one day the man would be tired of the gifts and he thinks that if a man's goodness would not lead him to God, at least his weariness would lead him towards God.


To conclude we could say that God knows that if the love of God does not return man to him, his weariness of the world will, and man would find true rest in God.
BAFY English


  • Astrophil and Stella (Sonnet 2)
  •  Another's Sorrow

  • English
  • Reference to Context

  • Lights and Delights

  • Second-year

  • Poetry and Functional Writing 

  • Spoken Communication

  • Semester IV

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  • BA B.Com, B.Sc
  • Short Questions and Answers
  • Poetry and Functional Writing

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