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Study of morphological adaptations of animals, fount=d in xeric and aquatic conditions or habitats

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Study of morphological adaptations of animals, fount=d in xeric and aquatic conditions or habitats



Practical Notebook
Standard XII



Biology Standard XII

Biology Standard XII

11. Study of morphological adaptations of animals, found in xeric and aquatic conditions or habitats.

 Aim - 

Study of two animals cach found in xeric (desert) and aquatic conditions (habitats) with respect to their morphological adaptations. 

 Desert animals show adaptations for the conservation of water and deal with extreme dual temperature fluctuations.  L. Camel (Camelus spp):.  It is a xerocoles animal adapted to the desert conditions.  

It can tolerate wide range of temperature fluctuations.  

• It excretes concentrated urine in order to conserve water.  

• It accumulates fat in the hump so that heat flows away from the body and inward flow of heat is prevented.  L Camel can even close its nostrils to stop blowing sand from entering nostrils.  

It is a two-toed ungulate showing presence of hooves instead of claws on the feet.  Flat and wide feet help it to walk easily over soft sand.  

Has It is capable of drinking large volume of water (about 100 liters) in a short time (about minutes) It has long eye - lashes protect eye from sand dunes / strong winds.  

 Camel 2. Kangaroo rut (Dipodomy's spp):

It is a xerocoles rodent.  It is nocturnal in habit to avoid heat of the day and to have humid inside It scales its burrow during daytime to prevent the loss of moisture.  It obtains metabolic water and has the ability to derive hygroscopic water from dry seeds which it eats Kangaroo rat neither sweat nor pant to keep itself cool.

order to minimize resistance of water and thus to reduce friction with water.  ii.  It shows the presence of gills for respiration which help in exchange of gases in water.  iii.  Paired fins help in swimming and caudal fin acts as steering during swimming Dolphin


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