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Top 10 science research

 Science research study material 

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1) Atom:

 The microscopic part of an element that possesses all its properties. By dividing matter according to the theory of scientist John Dalton, we can get to the tiniest molecule of matter or element. The notion that atoms cannot split. The concept of the atom has changed over time, but now theories about the internal structure of the atom have also been established. Accordingly, at the center of each atom is a large mass of electrically charged nucleus, around which an equal number of electrically charged electrons are constantly traveling in different orbits. The energy state of an electron's cell can vary. The complete identity of each electron in an atom can be represented by four types of quantum digits. The chemical properties of an atom depend on the number of electrons in the atom. The number of negatively charged electrons in each atom is the same as the number of positively charged protons in the nucleus.

2) Hubble Space Telescope: 

Telescopes launched by NASA in 1990 as part of a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency. In addition to images in visual light, the telescope can also pick up some images in jumbo and infrared light. Variety in our solar system, as well as outside the solar system

The telescope has multiple objectives, such as observing the structure and properties of space objects, and gathering information that would be useful to theories about the origin of the universe. The mirror in this telescope is 2.4 meters in diameter. The telescope is 13.3 meters long and weighs 11.1 tons. This telescope, which travels through space at an altitude of about 600 kilometers, completes its orbit around the earth in about 97 minutes. The sensitivity of this telescope is fifty times higher than that of an Earth telescope of the same size, since it has no atmospheric barrier. Among many other discoveries, the telescope has elucidated the nature of the particles, as well as the existence of black energy in the universe. (See: Space Observatory) (See: Hubble, Edwin Powell)

3) Geomagnetism : 

Earth's magnetism is molten but
The concept is based on the flow of nickel-iron compounds in the outer layer in the liquid state. If you take a large magnetic board and tilt it at an angle of 14 degrees to the center of the earth but the rotation of the earth is tilted, a magnetic field will be created. Also the magnetic field is around the earth. From fossils excavated from the earth, it has been observed that the earth's magnetic field is reversed every hundreds of thousands of years, so that the magnetic north pole becomes the magnetic south pole. But the reason is known. (See: Magnetic Storm)

4 ) Geomagnetic Storm: 

A dramatic change in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a solar wind. Hundreds of kilometers per second from the solar flare emitting electron-charged particles like protons and electrons to the earth in the form of solar wind, which causes drastic changes in the earth's magnetic field. These magnetic storms lasting one to two days can have devastating effects. These magnetic storms can cause unexpected currents in the electrical equipment and cause serious breakdowns and disconnections. These storms also disrupt radio communications. There have also been instances of rusting of metal oil pipes due to these storms. (See: Sauravare; Sauraprabha)

5) Gravitational Waves: 

According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, the gravitational pull of an object is the effect it has of the surrounding space-time. This change travels to the surrounding objects at the speed of light, and this changed state affects those objects. The trajectory of this change in space-time is the gravitational wave. Scientists from many countries are trying to observe these waves. Although they have not yet succeeded in this endeavor, they are confident that these waves will be discovered in the future. (See: Broad relativity; leisure)

6) Geosynchronous Satellite Launcher (GSLV):

 Launcher developed by the Indian Space Agency to launch INSAT and similar geosynchronous satellites weighing two to two and a half tons from the ground into geostationary orbit. The satellite is first launched into geostationary orbit before being grounded. These vehicles use solid, liquid and low-fuel fuels and launch the satellite into geostationary orbit in three phases. (See: geostationary orbit; geostationary satellite)

Ground station (Earth station): 

A center set up on Earth for the exchange of radio messages with artificial satellites or spacecraft. The control centers at Hassan in Karnataka and Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh have radio stations transmitting radio messages from such satellites.

Geostationary Satellite: 

A geostationary satellite orbiting a geostationary satellite is used for telecommunication and projection of media such as television. These satellites are also needed for continuous monitoring of weather-like factors in a particular region. Geostationary satellites are also used for navigation. Each geostationary satellite can observe about one third of the Earth's surface. NASA Launched in 1964, Sycom-3 was the first geostationary satellite. Today, more than three and a half hundred geostationary satellites owned by different countries are operating in space. India's 'Incent' series satellites are geostationary satellites. (See: geostationary orbit; telecommunication system; navigation; incent)

7) Machines: 

Mechanical or electric-powered devices designed to produce useful objects or to carry out routine operations without the use of human muscle power. Various machines are made. Each device is used according to its plan. E.g. Sewing machines, motorcycles, scooters - transport machines, irons, etc.

8) Robotics: 

It is a science of industrial application. A robot that works like a machine can be made based on this science. This mechanical device is automated and performs a number of functions, based on the science of free loan electrophoresis. Necessary instructions and programs are stored at the behest of a mechanical human. It's just a computer. Mechanical man is made for the purpose of work. The mechanical man sometimes moves with one hand to lift weights, sometimes to use tools or tools, and sometimes even to move. A mechanical human sees through a television camera and sometimes touches with an electronic device. All of this action is based on the information stored in the mechanical human memory and the reflected information.

9) Radar (Radio Detection and Raising): 

This is an electronic device. It can record moving, moving, and moving objects. The device has the ability to detect the direction, distance, height and speed of invisible objects. The basic purpose of radar is to record the existence of objects. The reason why our eyes see objects is because the waves of light fall on the object and from there they are reflected towards our eyes. Are reflected in your eyes. Radar illuminates objects by transmitting powerful radio transmitters. Sensitive radio receivers detect reflected waves. Such reflected waves are called echoes. These waves are displayed on the screen with the help of electronics through the listener of the telephone device. This is seen in the form of spots of light or reflection of real objects. The open wire of the radio (antenna) acts as both transmitter and listener. The distance of an object can be determined from the time taken by the reflected wave. The direction of the reflected waves determines the position of the object. During World War II, these devices were used for military purposes, for the search of aircraft and warships. Now this device is used to guide aircraft and boats, storms.

10) Laser: 

This is a technique for generating radiation, which involves the formation of regular beam rods of the same wavelength going in the same direction in the same phase. Stimulated molecules release extra energy in the form of light. And return to their original energy state. The light energy received from an atom in an electric light or from an atom in the Sun is in the form of an irregular ray. The light waves emanating from a laser are one-dimensional, and since their light energy and direction are the same, they emit all atoms of the same energy level spontaneously at the same time. Its intensity is so high that even a diamond can be burned and pierced. The laser is also used to destroy unwanted cellular tissue in the body, to close the ends of blood vessels during surgery (thus stopping the bleeding) and to reattach it if the retina is moved.

Laser Printer: 

A type of computer printer. It involves scanning the image using a laser. The ink in the form of powder is spread over the area of ​​the fully flowing plate and then the image is drawn on the paper like a photocopier.


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