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Water pollution Practical project

 Water pollution

 'Ganga came to the courtyard

 Lakshmi ali re angani'

 From this line of the Gita, Ganga i.e. water is likened to Lakshmi. Water is nectar. Water is life. No life can survive without water because water is a basic need.

 The entire creation has been built on the foundation of Panchamahabhutas. One of these five elements is water. Due to water nature remains green, prosperity flourishes, living creatures get new life. In rural areas, water is available from rivers, ponds, ponds, wells, while in cities, water can be obtained from homes through taps. Water is essential for life; But Humans do not take into account how to use water. This causes water pollution. Some of the causes of water pollution are clearly seen from the given picture.

 The bottomless, azure reservoir fascinates the mind; But due to increasing population, increasing urbanization, the clear form of water changes. As cities grew, tall buildings rose, drinking water taps went from house to house. Sewage was collected and discharged into the river. Factories are increasing due to industrialization. Many factories discharge chemically harmful water into the river. This is water pollution. The above picture speaks for itself.

 Water makes the land green. was beautiful Similarly, life can remain pure and clean. Man is a consumer of cleanliness. But in the name of cleanliness, he makes the water of the river impure. It is clear from the picture that it pollutes. Washing clothes, washing dishes, washing animals, bathing etc. in the river. Due to this, the river water is polluted. Additional growth of farm aquatic plants also spoils the water. The form of water changes due to all the impurities and garbage thrown into the water.

 Man does the work of adding unnatural, contaminating elements to the water. Man causes the water to become 'Gataar Ganga' instead of Ganga by changing its clean, pure and life-giving form. In this regard, the content of the above picture is important.

 Mahatma Gandhi said, 'The future of the country depends on what we do now.' All living creatures have to suffer the consequences of human-caused water pollution. Contaminated water invites many diseases and endangers life. Aquatic life is threatened.

 Water is the life of all living beings so it is everyone's responsibility to keep water clean and pure. After seeing the sobering picture of water pollution, everyone should be proactive to prevent it.

 Only then can it be said,

 Water is life!

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