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Study of soil samples at least from two different localities/sites with respect to their texture and pH and correlate plants found thereof.

12th biology practical book answers experiment 5 Download in PDF

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

A. EXPERIMENTS TO BE PERFORMED 5. Study of soil samples at least from two different sites with respect to their texture and PH and correlate plants found theref._1
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Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

5. Study of soil samples at least from two different localities/sites with respect to their texture and pH and correlate plants found thereof.  


 To study different soil samples from different localities for their physical properties.  Principle t The soil is the uppermost layer of the earth which has humus and numerous living organisms along with their dead remains that sustain the life of plants.  A productive soil generally has approximately 40% minerals, 10% organic matter (derived from dead remains of the organisms), 25% water, and 25% air.  The soil may have different-sized particles which can be classified as clay (less than 0.002mm in diameter), silt (0.002-0.02mm), fine sand (0.02 -0.2mm), coarse sand (0.2 -2mm, and gravel (more than)  2mm). The soil may be sandy, Sunday loam, loam, silty loom, clayey loam, and clayey. Most of the soils contain a mixture of sand, silt, and clay in different proportions. Study of soil texture/type - Soil texture is the grain  of soil depending upon the nature and composition of its particle late matter. Besides texture, there are other parameters for the study of soil such as moisture, porosity water holding capacity, pll, soil microflora, humus, etc. The study of soil texture is one of the important parameters for various purposes, eg agriculture, construction, mining, etc.  


Digger, polythene bags, lens, meshes of different pore sizes for soil samples (sieves), clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, measuring cylinder, distilled water, etc. Proc edure - Collect the soil samples from different sites and bring them to the laboratory.  With the help of hand, lens examine the soil samples.  Shift the soil samples on the meshes of different sizes and record the different sizes of the particles found.  Now take a measuring cylinder of 250 ml.  vigorously.  Fill it with 200 ml of water and add about 50g of soil sample in it, cap it and shake the glass jar Shake it vigorously.  Allow it to stand for 10-15 minutes.  1 Take distilled water in a clean dry Jar (A).  Mix soil samples in separate jars (B, C, D, etc).  

Observation - 

Measure the thickness of different layers according to different-sized soil particles.  From floating humus on the surface.  bottom to the top, we can observe the layer of coarse sand, fine sand, silt, clay then water and Calculate the approximate percentage of each type.  os per guidelines given ahead.  1. Observe and note the comparative thickness of layers formed in each jar and classify the soil


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