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Study of structure and distribution of stomata on upper and lower surfaces of the leaf.

Study of structure and distribution of stomata on upper and lower surfaces of the leaf.

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Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

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Chapter 3 

Stomata are the minute, elliptical pores present on the epidermis of the young stem, leaves, and fruit wall. 

Aim To study structure and distribution of stomata in the upper and lower epidermis of a leaf


Fresh leaf of Betel (dicot plant) and grass or more (monocot leaf), glass slides, cover slips, watch glass, blades, glycerine, etc.  

The principle Loss of excess water in the form of vapor from aerial parts of the plant body is known as transpiration.  The main plant organ involved is the leaf and it carries out this process with stomata present on both of its epidermal layers.  The dicot leaf shows a difference in the number of stomata on its upper and lower epidermal surfaces whereas the monocot leaf shows an equal number of stomata on both surfaces.  


  1. Take a betel leaf and maize or a grass leaf, fold these leaves and peel off them on both surfaces. 
  2. Using a blade, cut the peel on both surfaces of the leaf. 
  3. Mount these peels on the slide, add a drop of glycerine over it, and put a cover slip. Pollen grains are the male reproductive units produced in the anther lobe of statement-producing pollen tubes carrying male gametes, on germination.  Aim: To study the process of pollen germination on the slide while observing under the compound microscope.  Requirements - Flower of Catharanthus (periwinkle) Helianthus (Sunflower) or Hibiscus (shoe flower), cavity slide/glass slide, coverslips, compound microscope, sucrose crystals (Table sugar), etc.  Principle: 
  4. Study of pollen germination on the slide.  Pollen grain after being deposited over the stigma absorbs water and nutrients from the stigma and germinates to produce male gametophytes showing pollen tube with two non-motile male gametes and a larger vegetative nucleus 

 Figure: observe some Fig Procedure:

  1.  A nutrient medium is to be prepared using 20grams of sucrose in 100 ml of water.  
  2. Take a few drops of this solution preferably on a cavity slide and dust a few pollen grains from mature, dehisced anther.  
  3. Place the coverslip carefully.  
  4. Observe the slide under the compound microscope for minutes.  Observation 

  1. In the nutrient medium, the pollen will germinate and the pollen tube comes out through the germ pore. It is due to the enlargement of the tube cell and stretching of the intine, the pollen tube comes out and grows.  
  2. Inferences: different stages are gametic pollens.  pollens are in their initial Stage,


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