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Study of osmosis system by potato osmoscope Download in pdf


Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

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1. Study of osmosis system by potato osmoscope.pdf



Practical Notebook
Standard XII



Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

To study using potato osmoscope.

  Requirements - 

A fresh potato, peeler or scalpel, Petri dishes bowls/trough shallow glass beakers pins concentrated sugar solution, colored water, etc. 


 When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane that the osmotic pressures are balanced.  The flow of solvent is from the region of weaker solution (having low solute concentration) to the solution (having high solute concentration) till the equilibrium is reached so Osmosis is of two types viz endosmosis and exosmosis

Potato osmosis experiment to demonstrate osmosis


  1. Take a fresh potato tuber and peel off the skin with the help of a scalpel. 
  2. Cut the potato from one side in such a way that it will make a flat base.  
  3.  Scoop the peeled tuber properly so as to make a hollow block (well) in potato with thin intact base bottom and care should be taken that it will not rupture at the base.  
  4. Now add concentrated sugar solution in that cavity and mark its level by inserting a pin in the cavity wall.  
  5. Place this potato osmoscope in a petri dish/bowl or glass beaker, filled with colored water.  
  6. Mark the initial level with a pin.  After some time mark the level of sugar solution in the potato osmoscope.  


  1. You can easily note that the level of sugar solution in the potato osmoscope, rises after some time.  The solution in the cavity osmoscope also becomes colored.  
  2. It can be inferred that colored water from the petri dish/bowl has entered the cavity of the potato osmoscope.


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