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Study of structure or parts of human eye, ear and brain with the help of models or charts

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Chapter 13

Study of structure or parts of a human eye, ear, and brain with the help of models or charts Download Project in PDF



Practical Notebook
Standard XII



Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook Biology Standard XII

Practical Notebook

13. Study of structure or parts of the human eye, car, and brain with the help of models or charts. 

 1. Human eye: 

Description can be added from the textbook or only specific regions can be given in short Fram point of view for one mark any one part with function can be asked 

Fig.  Structure of the human eye

 2. Human ear : 

Description can be added from the textbook or only specific regions can be given in short.  From an exam point of view for one mark, anyone part with function can be asked.  

Fig.  Structure of human car

3. Functional areas of the cerebrum:

 Description can be added from the textbook or only specific regions can be given in short From exam point of view for one mark any one part with function can be asked.  


Study of osmosis system by potato osmoscopePractical in pdf:- Download

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Study of structure and distribution of stomata on upper and lower surfaces of the leaf. :- Download

Study of pollen germination on slide._1 Practical in PDF:- Download

Study of soil sample at least from two different sites with respect to there texture and PH and correlate plants found theref._1 :- Download

Study of suspended particulate matter in the air at the two widely different sites, in your area:- Download

Study of water samples collected from different water bodies for their pH, clarity, and presence of living organisms (microscopic/ planktonic). :- Download

Study of population density and frequency of different plant populations, by quadrat method.:- Download

Isolation of DNA from a given sample:- Download

Dissect and display floral whorls. Dissect another and take T.S. or V.S. of the ovary to show pollen grains and locules of the ovary, respectively.:- Download

To study wing shape and eye color in Drosophila.:- Download

 To examine the presence or absence of Barr body in the given sample.:- Download

Detection of commonly used adulterants in milk.:- Download

To detect the presence of starch, added as an adulterant to the milk.:- Download

To study various syndromes and their karyotypes in human beings.:- Download



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